Flexibility and Energy Science Nutrition


When I first started doing yoga positions and taking my stiff body through different positions it was quite a feat!

But as time passed I found some loosening occurring and then something very astounding to me happened

I began noticing and accepting of alternatives to various projects And that these alternatives which were there all along seemed to present themselves without my asking for them

In retrospect this isn't so surprising is it? After all if we are mindbodies and as my physical body became flexible then my mind had to become likewise

The challenge dear readers is the attention to the process of flexibility And it starts with little things

Nothing can be accomplished in life without flexibility Sounds outrageous doesn't it?

But let's think about it If I want to change anything in my day to day activities it demands that I am willing to bend and take on a different way of doing things 

The mindbody loves continuity It would be stressful to constantly be thinking about the next thing to do

"Let's see, what should I do next after brushing my teeth?"

We all love ritual because it frees us up But in the trenches of ritual, of the day to day humdrum of our same experience there lies the chance to engage with our innate desire to be flexible 

So it is with nutrition If we are going to change we have to recognize our flexibility in order to make it happen

Here are some tips on how to engage with your innate flexibility

        Try just one thing and do it for at least 4 weeks For example if you are a Pitta Vata then reducing tomatoes would be a good thing So for a time just focus on reducing tomatoes

        Don't try to do too much too soon or the mindbody will rebel

        If you cannot give something up like coffee then reduce the amount at first

        Trying substitutes for example tea for coffee can be a solution

        Try internal and/or external oleation

        Try yoga posture practice

        Remember it's about baby steps and the journey

Until tomorrow                                      To health as a Skill   Love DrBill

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Kitchen Chemistry


"Boy that salsa was hot!", Jim says as he downs another corn chip loaded with tomato

"I don't know why I do this because tomorrow I'm going to pay the price with heartburn and Rolaids but I just love the heat"

In energy science nutrition the kitchen is where the magic begins

You see if food is medicine and medicine is food then healing MUST begin in the kitchen

But it requires of us to start thinking about food not as molecules but as energy patterns

This isn't very difficult with guidance Just look at foodsheal.com and we can get accustomed as what foods provoke and which foods are good 24/7 Then there are those in the moderation column that should be used intermittently but not every day

Let's take a look at what Jim can do about cooling off the foods that he's taking in

    Using cilantro leaf in large amounts in the salsa will cool off the hot quality Even though it's not the best solution it can remedy some of the hot because coriander is a cooling digestant and cilantro is the leaf of the coriander plant

    Using peppermint and aloe gel and pomegranite can further cool off the hot quality

    If Jim was to continue his assault on his energy mindbody with marinera sauce he could try burping it with baking soda and watch the bubbles rise out of his sauce(no kidding!!)

But of course the best thing to do would be to leave the tomato and corn chip alone in the first place

See ya tomorrow                            To health as a Skill   Love DrBill

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Energetic Nutrition: Canola oil


Canola oil? "So what", you say

A friend shared with me on Twitter a post about Canola oil that I thought would be of interest and brings up three key points

1 Canola oil is actually a modified mustard seed(rapeseed) oil Modified because used alone it would be potentially poisonous Named Can-ola because of Canada origin and -ola from the word payola popular in the 1980's when the word was coined

The product was developed because of the concerns by the science intelligentsia in association with the government at the time that the problem with our nutrition needed to be "fixed" The public had been led to believe that polyunsaturated states were good but then findings came along that there were health related issues with these foods with heart disease and cancer

This led to movement toward monosaturated oils such as olive but volume was a problem Just not enough olive oil to go around So to process mustard seed oil and get rid of the bad monosaturated fats required processing and Canola oil was born

2 The matter science nutritional community pushed for the oil based on the fact that their earlier molecular recommendations about polyunsaturated fats were not tenable They had to come up with another molecular solution

But the concern now in studies is that the processing of mustard seed oil changes the omega 3 fatty acids which do not carry the same health benefits

3 Now there comes a concern about GMO foods The plant has been genetically modified so that it is more
herbicide resistant and will have less of the omega 3 fatty acids

Some observations

1 We are led to believe that our scientific community is giving us correct information but that this is based on the next study The matter science nutritional material is only as good as the year that it is written

What are we to do as health conscious consumers? The energy science nutritional information is reliable and is unique in that it individualizes food choices based on the energy pattern of the person choosing

2 Modified foods are of concern, altered by their production or worse yet GMO altered

Organic, fresh locally grown, nonmodified foods are best The best oil that can be used by everyone is ghee

Until tomorrow                                        To health as a Skill   Love DrBill

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The Nutritional Paradigm Shift

    Female Chemist with molecules Radiant Man
"Well Mrs Jones, I have good news for you All your tests have come back negative"

"Then tell me Dr Smith, why does my bladder hurt all the time and tell me what I can do?"

"An diet might help" Mrs Jones takes the diet and comes back one month later

"I did what you said and it didn't help" Oh oh!

We are now at a crossroads Either the diet was misinformation or diet change plays no role in healing

I believe we need to integrate the current matter science or molecular approach to nutrition with an energy science nutritional approach

Currently we rely on molecular information to tell us about food and what it can or cannot do for us

But that matter science information doesn’t tell us how it interacts with me

For example is broccoli good for me or not?

The energy science nutritional information can show us how foods interact with us and thus help us select foods better

Say a person comes in with bladder symptoms and all their tests are negative including cultures They don’t have an infection by culture

I’ve  shown that in these situations 90% of patients have a 50% reduction in symptoms using aloe vera gel and nutritional information in 6 weeks

It's time for a nutritional paradigm shift!

Until tomorrow                                            To health as a Skill       Love DrBill

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Energetic Nutrition: Bread


There a are some energy science nutritional facts about bread or more appropriately grain products that will be helpful to know

    The gluten molecule in grain breads is hard to digest like the casein molecule in milk

    The most common reason for gluten intolerance is poor digestive fire not allergy

    Digestive fire is strongest in the winter and weakest during the summer

    Yeasted wheat breads are energetically not healthy due to the presence of the yeast which when ingested over periods of time lead to yeast overgrowth which aggravates Vata(too much mobility that is gas), Pitta(too much hot) and Kapha(too much heavy, dense, and liquid)

So what's the energy nutritional health conscious consumer to do?

    Minimize intake of heavy molecules such as grain and milk products during the summer

    If we do take in these molecules maximize digestive fire with churan, don't overeat, and stay away from poor food combining(foodsheal.com)

    Use sprouted grain products whenever possible

    Toast yeasted bread products to kill off residual yeast left over from the baking process

    Use flatbreads such as a wraps whenever possible but PV should not use corn tortilla

    Try scones that are nonyeasted (actually they are baking powder biscuits with sweetener to the dough)

Grains particularly breads are not well understood in our culture and because they have the alluring sweet taste(heavy, slow/dull, cold, static, cloudy, smooth, oily gross) there is a tendency for us to be pulled in the direction of the bakery due to its enticing aroma

Hope this gives you some energy nutritional direction! What have your experiences with bread been?

Until tomorrow                                                        To health as a Skill  Love DrBill



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