5 Ways to Go Beyond Getting By and Getting Health

Many who have a disease accept that once the disease is gone that it's enough

Many look at health like this as well

"It's enough" means to marginalize To get by But to sometimes skirt issues

You see I believe that a state of health is a process of evolution Health is more than the absence of disease That each day I can be healthier than I was yesterday

The energy science helps us a glimpse a that greater reality of health   Not to just get by

Good Deal! The Disease is Gone

There is a growing current mindset that there is more to health than being able to get up in the am, go to work, enjoy the weekends We are seeing that health is really more than being able to do the day well with reserve energy

But as you do the work with the nutritional format and avoid certain food combinations among other things outlined at this blog reduction in your disease will occur

The matter science medical model creates for us a disease oriented health system and we become fixated on clearing disease   This is totally understandable and to just clear the disease is an important milestone


The end result of this fixation is that you settle for second best That is, clearance of the disease becomes the order of the day Thank you very much

But just the awareness that there is more to health than disease is a big beginning in going beyond getting by You see the energy science can help you reduce the symptoms to tolerable levels   But it has so much more to offer

Real healing takes time    The matter science has taught us and shown us that healing is swift and can change the body quickly   Just shift some molecules around, take some molecules, or remove some and health is yours You're feeling immediately better after the appendectomy

But from an energy science view disease begins in imbalances in the energy field an percolate up to manifest as disease in the matter field that are labeled as IC, GERD, IBS, chronic prostatitis, or fibromyalgia     To heal these chronic diseases takes more than the molecular approach of the matter science model of healing

The energy science approach to chronic disease requires change in lifestyle behavior patterns that produced the imbalance in the first place

The 5 Ways to Go Beyond Getting By

1 Awareness of these facts is a major hurdle to overcome the mindset and start viewing your health differently The key is to live that awareness, to talk about it with yourself and others so that it becomes real for you

2 Use the energy science guidance that can help you develop lifestyle behavior patterns around nutrition that will bring about greater health

3 Realize that real healing takes time That health is not something that you get but that which you obtain through your own discipline That for every year of an imbalance it takes two months to reverse that imbalance

4 The energy science of Ayurveda says that a day in balance promotes health This is a simple but significant step in going beyond

5 Understand that IC is the gift that starts you on your path to progressively better health each day

Until next week To health as a Skill Love DB

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What’s the Required Healing Time Using an Energy Science Approach

Obviously this is a common question posed by those doing energy science work for clearance of any disease complex whether it be IBS, GERD, or fibromyalgia

As a child you may have asked, “Are we there yet?” and "Now are we there yet?" So when will I see payoff for changing lifestyle behavior patterns?

The short answer is, “It’s over when it’s over.” But to be more specific, in general it takes 2 months of release for every year of imbalance So if you have had symptoms of IC for 10 years it will take 20 months of work to clear the energy qualities that have accumulated

This would make sense wouldn't it? The longer the imbalance the more work is required to get resolution This doesn't mean that there will not be improvement of symptoms The flare intensity get less as the months go by and then the frequency lessens But real healing takes time!

Are You Particle(Molecule) or Wave?

The body is simultaneously a matter field and an energy field. The former expresses itself as molecules or particles and the latter as waves of energy   So this is how the energy field expresses dis-ease    In waves

Sound familiar? The waves are symptom complexes that occur in the body   And they continue to express themselves until you do something about it   Until you decide to intervene   Otherwise the expression of the excess qualities will continue to occur

Because the matter field is a gross expression of the more subtle energy field, you now can see why disease begins with qualities that then eventually become manifest as particles or molecules in the matter field   The matter field is the last to show that there is energetic disruption or imbalance in the body   The matter field is like the tip of an iceberg

This is why I can say with certainty that the matter science will never be able to heal chronic diseases with its molecular approach to dis-ease

The Concept of Release

In many diseases(possibly all) there is an inflammatory component with the energy patterns of Vata and Pitta   The symptoms of Vata presence begin episodic expression of light, cold, rough, dry, and mobile which lead to changes in the body's tissues   Pitta’s presence of inflammation lead to burning in the stomach, burning pain in the pelvis, muscles, or generally in the abdominal area due to the sharp, hot, liquid and spreading qualitiesbit.ly/bfjQvi

For example these qualities can lodge in the urinary tract and express as energy or wave   So the intermittent flares that occur in the body are waves of energetic expression

But what happens when you decide to do things to differently? You begin paying attention to your day and how you live it    Energy science nutrition becomes important and you start seeing food as medicine    You choose certain herbs that can help with IC and use them regularly

When you no longer support the overexpression of these qualities in the body by the foods that you eat, the body naturally begins letting go of these excess qualities of light, cold, rough, dry, mobile, sharp, hot, liquid and spreading   This takes time but by and by there is lessening of the symptoms that the qualities brought and healing begins to occur

What you see is gradual regression of the symptoms    They don't stop all at once There is a receding of the complex of symptoms much like the outgoing tide on the beach

Until next week                   To health as a Skill           Love DB

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Herbs: 5 Ways To Influence the Mind and Lifestyle Behavior Patterns

The mindbody is just that   Mind is the body and the  body is the mind   Does this sound strange?   It is to say that the mind and body are intimately spliced  You cannot separate them   This can only be understood from an energy science point of view 

Why is that?  The physical body is a molecular field - as well as a energy field   But the mind is an energy field alone  Have you tried to wet a thought?  So the matter science will never be able to see a true integration of the mindbody because its model has only room for molecules

Where is the Mind?

If the energy mind is the physical body and the physical body is the energy mind where does the energy mind reside physically?  Ah now that's an interesting quesiton

From an energy science view the physical mind does not reside in the brain  It has escaped!   It's in every cell of the mindbody   But where in the cell does it reside?

The energy mind is the physically represented molecularly by DNA

The Malleability of the Mind and DNA

Research has now shown how malleable and changing the DNA is   Once thought to be the source of inforamation for the cell through RNA it now has been shown that genes are shape shifting all the time

Just like the mind!   The mind happens to be the fastest vehicle in the universe  Constantly moving, continually shifting sometimes not always for the best

This is why the Vata energy pattern of movement is represented in the the nervous system

OK, the miind is everywhere, physically represented in the DNA of each cell   So our DNA is the source of our thought

Mind is Influenced by What Happens to You

Molecularly DNA is evesdropping on everything that is going on from the external and internal environment and influenced by these peripheral impressions   And it changes gene expression because of this evesdropping   And gene expression is responsible for your lifestyle behavior patterns that create either health or chronic disease   When you change your DNA, you change your mind, and when that happens you change the way you act in the world   That is, your lifestyle behavior patterns get altered

You can influence this DNA expressiveness and hence it's effect on your cells and collectively on your physical body if you so chose  Done frequently enough these influences reshape your physical mindbody and lifestyle behavior patterns that can lead to health

There are 5 ways to influence DNA and the mind

1  Herbs carry mind and alter DNA expression   This is the new paradigm   Unlike molecular crystalline pharmaceuticals herbs have specific qualities to influence mind and in the long term have the ability to shape lifestyle behavior patterns

2  The type of nutrition used is heard by your DNA so foods over time can change lifestyle behaviors

3  Physical activity such as exercise changes DNA expression leading to health if not done excessively

4  Daily oil massage can affect how your DNA expresses

5  Marma personally done or acupuncture therapy by a therapist will influence DNA and the mind

Keep in mind(DNA) that these influences to your genetic code take time to become permanent expressions   But by and by (usually 8 weeks) the DNA expresses itself in a different way

And viola!  New lifestyle choices get created that lead to improved health

Until next time                  To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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10 Ways of Observing Ourselves as Biologic Energy Fields

The popular Star Trek TV series introduced us to everyday star travel out in the cosmos and brought us the phrase "Beam me up Scottie" In Avatar unobtanium is a rich source of energy for the inhabitants of biosphere Pandora desired by the invading humans

The world of sci-fi often brings us to encounters with realities that we would never entertain in our current day to day living and this includes glimpses of our bodies as electromagnetic energy fields which the world of sci-fi at times delivers

Is the Biologic Energy Field So Far Fetched?

In talking with patients and friends over the years I have honestly never run across someone who does not believe in a biologic energy field

Belief is one thing but the challenge is how to do understand and experience ourselves as biologic energy fields Everyone has had a sudden shock that occurs when we hit the ulnar nerve transiting around the elbow joint known as hitting our "funny bone" This sensation is electromagnetic energy shooting down the nerve as it passes on the backside of the elbow joint

But we need a vocabulary or a way of talking about ourselves as energy You see, right now we are fixed in this model in which the body is a matter or particle field and traditions such as Ayurveda can give us this much needed vocabulary

The Value of Seeing the Body as an Energy Field

When we entertain that the body is an energy field we can adopt many different forms of healing that we currently don't with conventional matter science medicine today

For example, how could be make the connection between eating late and having bad dreams? Or that banana produces heartburn? Or that psoriasis can be cleared with energy science nutrition? Or that nutrition can reduce PSA and reduce the risk of prostate cancer? Or that the obesity problem can be helped with energy science nutrition?

10 Ways to See Ourselves as Electromagnetic Energy Field

Bodily sensations is the way we get in touch with the energy body When we get in touch with the body's feelings whether good or bad we are in touch with the biologic energy field

1 Observing what our senses tell us

Seems so simple but just reframing the sensation of cold hands is an expression from the biologic energy field

2 Observing symptoms of anxiety or "nervousness"

Since the nervous system of the energy body is represented by electromagnetic energy symptoms of nervousness or anxiety are expressions of the energy body

3 Observing symptoms of GI distress

Symptoms of disease or GI symptoms are expressions of energy disruption, that is heartburn is telling us that the body has too much of the hot quality

4 Seeing money as energy

When we relate to current-cy as an energy expression we can see why so much of it being printed produces excess energy in our physiologies and can lead to energetic imbalance

5 Join a yoga class

Done properly yoga as an exercise program can help us get in touch with sensations of the body that are expressions of the energy body

6 Observing how we feel during certain parts of the day

Do we feel sluggish in the morning? Energized in the afternoon? Sluggish in the evening? These are messages from the body due to its surrounding energy field of the environment

7 What kind of appetite do we have?

If the biologic energy has too much of the hot quality our body will have too strong an appetite that will cause us to overeat

8 Interpret symptoms of disease as messages from the energy body

Often we get in touch with the biologic energy field due to the interruption of the free flow of energy in the body If we don't use our arm because its broken the muscles wither away due to no use If we have too much hot or radiant energy in the GI tract we get diarrhea

9 Using biologic energy fundametals

When we use biologic energy principles and begin feeling better in our day to day living it indirectly shows us that altering our own biologic energy field by adjusting how we do things to our body

10 Explaining common observations

Knowing the energy patterns of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha help us understand why Vata people prefer bass or baritone sounds and Kapha would like soprano or tenors because their energy patterns resonate with different vibrational frequencies

Our biologic energy field is part of the greater energy field and all we have to do is pay attention to it In so doing we can literally get healthier

Until next time To health as a Skill Love DrBill

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