IC and the Flow of Prana

Radiant ManWhat is matter is energy and what is energy is matter A molecule is both a particle(matter) and a wave(energy) And so biologically we simultaneously coexist as both a matter/molecular field and an energy field We know this from E=mc2 and the energy science of Ayurveda gives us a vocabulary by which we can talk about our mindbody as an energy field

Quite simply whenever we become sick there is an improper flow of energy to parts of the body caused by qualities that interfere with the flow of energy through those tissues This is what happens in any disease where the free flow of energy becomes disrupted in the tissue

The Flow of Biologic Energy and Spontaneous Remission From Cancer

When we hear the words prana, chi, qi, ru,and ruha they are expressing the biologic energy field Numerous healing traditions over the past 1000's of years have understood this of the human biology

You may have heard of people having spontaneous remissions from cancer There is actually an international registry of such cases where there is good documentation of a diagnosed cancer going away spontaneously without any therapy There is no molecular explanation but from an energy science view the reason is clear

For some reason and there are many the flow of biologic prana becomes established again And because the matter/molecular model cannot explain the phenomenon, the word miracle is used But energetically the flow of prana is reestablished

5 Ways to Reestablish Pranic Flow

All of the energy science tools that I have mentioned through the years are to help reestablish the flow of biologic physiologic energy At times the biologic energy is particularly stuck or stubborn in the process of movement but by and by it moves and the reestablishment of pranic flow occurs Whether it's CCF tea, yoga asana, breath exercises called pranayama, herbs, basti, or meditation the tools help reestablish pranic flow

Here are some basic things to begin fixing pranic flow

1 Eat according to your nutritional energy pattern

2 Avoid incompatible food combinations

3 Improve your agni

4 Utilize pranayama breath exercises

5 Fit your daily schedule into the rhythms of Nature

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Taking Advantage of Your Best Time for Digestion

Eating Beautiful GirlHave you ever noticed that you feel better when you eat your biggest meal of the day early, say around 12 noon and 2pm?

The energy science nutrition of healing has an answer for why that occurs. The digestive fire which is a collective term for all the enzyme systems from the mouth to the lower colon is hottest between 10am and 2pm. This is to say that our mindbody's transformative energy is strongest at this time. Our digestion is optimal.

Previous human experience would bear this out. Before the industrial revolution and the information age there is evidence that people observed this lifestyle pattern of behavior. But as with habits we can pick up bad ones and this has become one of them due to our aggravated societal Vata energy.

Even though digestive fire is transformative it is part of the Pitta energy, but not Pitta itself. It's like container(Pitta) and contained(digestive fire).

From a matter science nutritional view we don't have a concept of digestive fire. We mechanically look at the GI tract as a tube that can be viewed with a scope looking for obvious dis-ease.

It is precisely this kind of information that is deviod in the healing of today. And why should it be there anyway, since there is no double blind study devoted to demonstrate this simple concept? And how easy would it be to prove? Yet energetically it is tantamount to good health. And provides a solid foundation for good nutrition.

Yet we don't talk about this in contemporary nutritional circles because there is no matter science proof and it's not high tech. Digestive fire-what a silly concept to use in high tech medicine. Right?

So that's where we are right now. Do we have to be here?

No, I believe we as consumers can create a different direction with respect to our lifestyle behavioral choices. It begins with us.

Hang what the nutritional "experts" say. Find out for yourself!

To good health Love DrBill

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Inflammation and the Disease Process

bigstock-On-Eat-Sweet-Drinks-And-Fast-F-43210471Recently I saw a man with bloody urine that eventually resolved. His testing showed reddened lesions in the bladder and the biopsy showed cancer in the specimen.

So I suggested we get more information and under anesthesia the lesions were gone. What happened? Does cancer disappear. Actually the areas were inflammatory and the bleeding had come from a nonbacterial inflammatory conditon of the bladder which produced the observed bleeding.

All cancers in the mindbody are associated with inflammation or the imbalance of the Pitta energy pattern.

And inflammation can produce all forms of conditions that we hear about. Acid indigestion or heartburn, rheumatoid arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, interstitial cystitis, and elevated PSA. As a matter of fact, any -itis in the mindbody is an imbalance of this energy pattern called Pitta.

So why is this important? Anytime that we find ourselves with a condition of inflammation, we should look at adding an energy nutritional approach to improve the existing condition.

This is an energy science view, not a matter science view to nutrition. The latter has no concept of an antiinflammatory diet. It can't because the model from which the nutritional format comes doesn't have the ability to describe foods as inflammatory. If it tries the nutritional format misses foods that are energetically inflammatory.

Today a concerned mother told the story of her son with an early diagnosis of lymphoma. With the rest of his therarpies he should be on a nutritional approach appropriate for his mindbody energy constitution that would address the nutritional imbalances that brought about the tumor.

Now is this going to cure his cancer. No that would be ridiculous to say. But it will augment the other therapies that he is undergoing and if he makes this a lifestyle behavior change, it can potentially help with his overall health.

This is the value of the energy science approach to nutrition.

To health as a skill    DrBill

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5 Ways To Make Lifestyle Changes Happen

fat and thinAnything that we want to achieve in life....getting in better physical condition, losing weight, improving people's lives by working in a business or profession, changing a lifestyle pattern of behavior like smoking etc....requires that some form of structure be put into place so that a pattern of behavior is done over a period of time Hopefully the change is the pattern of behavior causes the desired change

So for example in the case of chronic disease in order to cause a physiologic shift toward balance and improvement in your symptoms, you undertake certain things that you think will make a shift

Life and Its Distractions To Healing

But let's face it even with good intentions life goes on and requires our participation and so distractions arise The deadline at work, finishing work projects, the upcoming holidays, getting the right Halloween costume...these sometimes get in the way of our healing intentions

In other words life's distractions affect how we heal They directly impact our ability to follow through with our intentions to heal

I believe that this is the major problem in healing chronic disease  Healing any disease is doable with varying levels of difficulty based on length of disease and number of energy patterns involved but it requires time to do the things necessary In the energy science discipline it's not just one thing that promotes healing but rather a multiplicity of things that bring about physiologic change

This multimodality energy science approach begins with lifestyle measures focused on nutritional formats as discussed in the past but there are other things that can be done to support this approach

5 Ways to Create Structure

1 Overcoming inertia is the biggest challenge and keeping up with it is the next biggest hurdle

2 Use a calendar (here's a downloadable calender you can use on your computer) and mark down what's needed to create the change that you want to see happen....then check it every day

2 Expect it to be awkward at first...kind of like finding your groove You may forget and that's what the calendar is for

3 Daily do that activity at specific times of the day marking your items on the calendar

4 The more things you do to effect the change the better the chances of getting the desired result of healing

5 Make it a set of activities A morning routine has a set of things to do and these all work together to set the tone for the day as well as each activity supporting each other

It takes about 6-8 weeks for the change to be made Then you can move on to add more new activities to advance your healing journey

And sometimes it means deleting behaviors that don't serve us well.....for example going to bed earlier sets up the morning times to do some activities

Having a coach to support and help produce structure is valuable in these efforts  You can make an appointment for a free consultation to get started

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