Autism and the Biological Energy Field

neurons, transferring pulses and generating information.

Is it possible that a group of individuals(society) can produce a dis-ease(autism)?
Well if you look at the statistics the answer is undeniably yes. The stats say that the prevalence of autism is on the rise.
From an energy view this is not surprising because there is a significant energy field (Vata imbalance) disturbance in our local tribe we call the American society.
What happens to individuals in a tribe is a product of the individuals of the tribe.
And one of the fundamental treatments for autistic children is nutrition directed at the neurological imbalance as it should for the rest of the provoked tribe.

So what can be offered to the autistic child?  From a matter science perspective(allopathic) not much.  But from an energy science perspective the use of transdermal creams applied to marmani can be innocuous enough, easy to apply, and have dramatic consequences.

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