Healing with Multiple Ways: An Energy Science Approach

VPK circleIn the energy science world of healing it's not just one thing that you do that brings about healing but rather a multiplicity of therapies done over a period of time that leads to results

Foundational Work

Healing is just like building a structure....it begins with a good foundation

1 Doing a Day in Balance...this means going to bed early and getting up early, eating your biggest meal at noon, and having some set routines in the morning such as scraping the tongue, kevala(oil pulling), white sesame seeds, pranayama(specifically kapalabhati), neti pot use

2 At the very least eating a nutritional format appropriate for you energy constitutional makeup

3 Avoiding incompatible food combinations

4 Meditation helps calm the mindbody to do this work Otherwise the mind will be fretful, anxious, fearful, and will throw in the towel early on

Beyond Foundational Work

The above work sets the stage for more advanced work We need to set the mindbody up for success in the process of releasing imbalanced qualities, ama(unprocessed undigested food that clogs the channels), and toxic ama called amavisha The latter is particularly toxic because when released it is hot and can produce lots of various problems(eg skin rashes and conditions, sensed excess heat, diarrhea or change in bowel pattern)

When the bowel is prepared properly with appropriate nutrition and therapies are added then the mindbody will be able to tolerate the toxic download without a detox crisis Having said that, even with the best laid plans, detox crisis can occur but that can be managed  What are basic advanced therapies?

1 Green composite protein recipe sets the stage for healing the GIT(gastrointestinal tract)

2 Use of nasya which is supportive of the process, clears mental ama and amavisha, and directly effects positive mental changes

3 Use of transdermal creams applied to marmani(acupuncture points without the needles)

4 Use of herbal memory nectars Similar to herbal tinctures that have alcohol, nectars do not They bypass the digestive process and by their energetics create favorable physiologic effects for healing

5 Continual improvement of the disturbed GIT with various teas(eg CCF or CF teas)

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