The Neti Pot

Some of you may have used the neti for clearing mucous for the common cold which energetically is a Kapha release Kapha is the energy pattern of stability in the physiology It is composed of the qualities of heavy, slow/dull, cool, slimy/smooth, liquid, dense, soft, hard, static, and sticky The mucous of the common cold during its course exhibits many of the qualities of Kapha which supports bodily structures

Unblocking PVWhen Kapha becomes excessive in the physiology it brings the static and heavy qualities in excess which block the lighter qualities of Vata and Pitta  In the diagram one can see that the columns of Vata and Pitta get blocked by Kapha but when Kapha becomes less then Vata and Pitta can flow once again

The Kapha energy pattern is involved in the many disease processes and one of the simplest ways to deal with this imbalance is to use the neti pot in order to remove excess Kapha from the sinuses and  remove excess Kapha from the body particularly when neti is followed by a breath technique of kapalabhati followed by oil drops in the nose(nasya) which will gradually and slowly loosen Kapha's blockage in the physiology

Releasing this blockage allows Pitta and Vata to move once again and unblock the channels in the body leading to improvement in symptoms

Neti potTo do neti one needs a good sized container...500cc available on Amazon If you'd like more information I can send you more on request

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