Five Ways to Improve Health

fat and thin

Agni or digestive power is an unknown concept in the West yet it is central to how disease occurs in Ayurveda  How agni is described metaphorically is like a campfire  It it's strong it burns wood to fine dust but if not the wood burns to charred debris  The agni not being up to par will leave undigested unprocessed food that the energy science calls which Ama is the beginning of the disease process according to Ayurveda  So we can see how agni is so important in the disease process...a fact that is completely unknown in the West 

Agni becomes abnormal when it is either too hot or too cold  It seems strange that agni can be too hot but it metaphorically is like a hot pot on the stove but the water or agni in the pot is ice the agni acts hot but functionally it is not effective

Clinically it looks like this....very strong appetite but once in the gut the digestion is not up to par and leaves charred undigested remains or ama   So when our appetite is too strong it doesn't mean good things

How to Get Agni Healthy Again

1 Use Green Composite Protein Recipe....write if you would like to know how to do it

2 Snacking ruins digestive dont do it

3 Avoid incompatible food combinations ...fruit with other food etc

4 Use homemade yogurt as a probiotic and pappadam as a prebiotic

5 Don't overeat....noon meal biggest meal of the day....should be 2 handfuls

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Energy Science Cookbook

CookbookCan it be that the current dietary recommendations by our nutritional gurus are actually making us sicker? I believe this is the case.

If our current system of nutritional recommendations is so hot, why do we see people such as Oprah struggling with weight control along with millions of others?

Time to re-evaluate, eh? There is no question that our molecular prowess has given us important information but the molecular scheme is outmoded for our biological understanding in the 21st century.

Can inappropriate and indiscriminate supplements make us sick? You bet.

So what's a confused and bewildered consumer supposed to do? Try an energy science approach to not only nutrition but to healing. Now that's empowerment.

Here's a list that should be part of a nutritional system. Notice I said system, I didnt say molecules.

Get this Ayurvedic won't be disappointed

In the book you'll find great guidance on how to begin eating healthy from an energy science perspective

Establish a balanced healthy digestive fire

Monitor bowel function and establish healthy patterns

Avoiding incompatible food combinations

Establish healthy rituals around nutrition

This is an energy science approach to nutrition. It requires a paradigm shift from our molecular matter science approach. As has been said, "How's it workin' for ya?", perhaps provides some impetus.

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