Energy Science Nutrition: Eggs


From a matter science nutritional point of view cholesterol and fatty acids are not good for us They are associated with vessel disease leading to heart attacks and strokes

The yolk of the egg is loaded with cholesterol and fatty acids so egg yolk would be potentially detrimental to health

Let's look at this gift from mother hen from an energy science nutritional point of view

Yolk carries Kapha energy because of the heavy quality of the sweet taste; because of the sour taste(fatty acids) and the hot quality it carries Pitta energy

So yolk provokes Pitta and Kapha that it increases these two energy patterns and gives groundedness to Vata

What about egg whites? Good for everyone So the rule of thumb energetically is egg whites all the time for everyone and egg yolk in moderation for everyone Make sense? Great!

Here again the energy science nutrtional subtle nuance helps refine our understanding of this great gift from mother hen The matter science nutritional tradition simply is too gross in its perception of Nature to refine our understanding of food

Have you ever reflected how two of our greatest food substances are gifts from the feminine energy of the Nature, the cow and the mother hen? Is it startling that the feminine energy nourishes us? Why do we call our planet Mother Earth?

Until tomorrow                                                    To health as a Skill      Love DrBill

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