Nutrition Is More About Habits Than Foods


Dr Dina Rose argues at her blog,, that our nutritional problems lie in our eating behaviors that are actually lifestyle patterns beginning in childhood

And I would say that it's a bit of both I believe she is spot on about lifestyle nutritional behavior patterns being 80% of our nutritional problem But the remaining percentage belongs to the incompatabilities, nonharmonious food choices, and poor digestive fire issues we have talked about in the past

She believes that if we're going to get any progress in our health problem, it starts with our children first, and us second After all, they are carrying either good choices or our poor choices, going forward

Some of her thoughts from her blog bear repeating:

1) Instead of worrying about introducing new foods, establish a style of eating that includes the following:

  • Don’t eat the same foods two days in a row or twice in a day.  This will get your kids used to the idea that you eat different foods and that idea will lay the foundation for introducing new foods.
  • Make sure your kids eat more fresh, natural foods than anything that comes out of a box or a can.

Both of these can be achieved (and should be achieved) without introducing new foods.  Simply cycle through, and reapportion, foods your kids already eat.

2) Take the pressure off your kids by serving small portions, by never asking your kids to eat more and by never linking eating “well” to getting dessert.

3) Look at why your kids eat the way they do (are they afraid new foods will taste bad, do they have a cautious personality, are they in a control struggle with you) and parent that aspect of your child.

Anything more to add? Do you think that childhood eating behaviors are a result of parents and society? Do you think obesity begins in childhood?

Until tomorrow                                                     To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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