Visual Learners Beware


When we try to remember an event, we begin to conjure up images  We're looking for a word and begin seeing it as we spell it  Or we're preparing for something and visualize ourselves doing it

We all know who we are as visual learners, don't we?

The energy pattern associated with the visual channel is Pitta, the energy pattern of transformation

As we've talked in the past Pitta is associated with a strong appetite; so strong that if really out of control, they would eat cardboard

So what happens when Pitta's visual channel is treated to a nice bag of potato chips?

And then let's throw in that Pitta happens to be a little bit hungry as he/she strolls through the aisles of the grocery store

Think that there might be a good place for marketing to that appetite with packaging of foods

Well that seems to be the case  In an October article in the Journal of Consumer Psychology people eat more food when there are a number of items on the packaging

Visual cues do play a role 

The article displays an aspect of the energy science as it typifies the Pitta visual channel in how visual packaging plays on its nutritional appetite

So what's a Pitta to do

            Realize that the strong appetite can be your nemesis

            Don't grocery shop if you're really hungry(if you are get something healthy to nibble on while shopping)

            Recognize your strong visual channel and witness what it's urging

            Don't eat from a container(the bottomless pit until gone) Always portion out of the container

Just by knowing yourself as this energy pattern and its drawbacks can be very helpful

Until tomorrow                                              To health as a Skill  Love DrBill



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