Lifestyle Coaching: Some Caveats

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Lifestyle is the buzzword these days as how to effect change and hence health in one's life

I think that there are some important aspects before you decide to jump into this type of work of getting a coach to help you along your road to improving your health

Choose the Philosophy First

This blog is to introduce to those who are interested in a different way of seeing the human biology and its physiology 

The mindbody is both a matter and an energy field  So the coach who has a matter(molecular) way of seeing the mindbody will carry that into all the information delivered

The deeper reality is that the mindbody is an energy field as well and since all disease begins in the energy field it would behoove those interested in disease prevention to embrace a coach who knows energy science work as well

This kind of guidance can only be obtained in one who understands the core philosophy of the energy sciences  When is the best time for the biggest meal of the day, what's the best time to go to bed, what's the best time to wake up in the morning? These questions seem to be unrelated to nutrition  to the casual observer but play a big role in grounding a solid system of nutrition

Such basic lifestyle choices presently advocated in the matter science world are not grounded on us a being part of Nature but rather a collection of molecules that has somehow learned how to think

Then the Coach

Having had dealings with many consultants over the years I have come to realize that the coach is only as valuable as how focused I am with what I want to accomplish

Once I have chosen the health philosophy first now I'm ready to "hire" my coach but I think here we should be focused on what we are hoping to get from the coach

Is she going to support me about getting up in the morning?  And what does that support look like?

Willingness to Move On

I've also learned that at times when needs are not being met that it may be ready to move on  That in some way you have to reassess what your needs are   That perhaps what you thought was what you needed is not where you want to go

It's at this juncture of reassessment that you can get a better perspective of what needs to be done to improve your health  Maybe just practicing for a year what you have started with the coach is appropriate and sufficient  Because everyone moves on their journey of health at their own level of comfort

Have a great weekend                                                           To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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