Dr Oz’s Colonic Polyp

Droz colon
In September of 2010 medical talk show celebrity Dr Mehmet Oz was found to have a colonic polyp  Since polyps can be premalignant Mehmet was shocked(healthy guy who tries to be healthy by matter science standards) and understandably grateful that his profession prevented a possible malignancy from occurring

It was heralded as a significant event not only as colon cancer prevention but once again showed the matter science medical model's authentic value at finding disease in it's earliest stage

Screening Works

We may remember another celeb then President Ronald Reagan's colonic history in the 1980's  He showed a couple of polyps in 1984 and 1985 which were removed with screening endoscopy

But then a muscle invading tumor in the cecum was removed in July 1985 after the polyp was removed in March 1985

Thereafter Reagan had no recurrence of polyps  Screening colonoscopies have had an unprecedented impact on the late stages of colonic cancer just as PSA has had an impact on the discovery of prostate malignancies

Bad Luck Or Something Else

How do healthy guys like Oz and Reagan come up with colonic polyps?

"Heck everybody is going to get their turn  Something's bound to turn up"  The natural "bad luck" response would be appropriate to engage  And even the energy science medical model would not dispute that sometimes predisposition to disease can happen

But the energy science medical model would also say that nutritional choices have to be factored into the causes of poor bowel health including the occurrences of polyp disease

Early Detection Versus Prevention

The article mentioned above ends with hoping for a "Dr Oz Effect", the author suggesting that screening colonoscopies are the panacea to preventing  colon cancer

But is this really prevention?

Prevention implies that by so doing a test or procedure we prevent disease  I don't think even MD's believe that  Prevention from the matter science medical model can at best do early detection

The reason for this is that the biologic matter science model doesn't deal with the origins of disease  Researchers believe that they get close with the understanding of molecular biochemistry but in the end their biologic model will never be able to get to the origin of diseases

The energy science medical model deals with the origin of disease which occurs at the level of the GI tract and 4 stages before it becomes manifest as a polyp in Dr Oz and Reagan's colon

True Disease Prevention

There are so many things we can do to prevent obvious dis-ease and here are some that you can do right now

            Eat according to your mindbody makeup

            Avoid poor food combining

            Cultivate healthy digestion

            Practice the 5 interogatives of eating

 Ciao until next time                                             To health as a Skill    Love DrBill

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