Kapha Imbalance


The last week I have exchanged some comments with Beth Mazur my newest bestest friend on Twitter about the current Kevin Smith incident on SW airlines. As Beth says the overweight state is a symptom. But it's also a dis-ease or imbalance. That is, a Kapha energy imbalance, from an energy science view.

If you're not familiar with the story, Kevin found himself booted off the plane due to oversized luggage in his seat. It might not have been such a big deal except Kevin is a Hollywood celeb who found himself sizzling as all of his friends. 

From an energy science view Kevin has an imbalance as do all of us. If you're human and walk on this planet, guaranteed you have an imbalance of some form or another.

But the obesity issue has come front and center first with Michelle Obama's words on the childhood issue and then synchronistically Kevin's plight around the same time.

Here's the problem. People who are overweight are finding themselves under attack much like the cigarette smoker was and is. There is indeed pain being inflicted on our fellow human beings. So where's the compassion?

So what's a nice self respecting Kapha to do? Stop reacting and go to foodsheal.com

What's Pitta to do? For Kapha, stop raging at the attackers and Pitta stop attacking obesity!

For skinny mini Vata's realize that your imbalances are just as significant and you should do some of your own work.                                                         To health as a skill   Love DrBill

PS we will not get the bottom of this obesity issue until we start seeing the mindbody physiology with fresh eyes; it is soooo oooold to do matter science alone in the 21st century Where is evolutionary thinking? Are we doomed to continuously react for another century just like our government?

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Antiinflammatory nutrition


(As a sequel to yesterday's post on Road Rage and Nutrition, here's some insight into the concept of antiinflammatory nutrition)

There isn't a clinic day that goes by that I don't talk to some patients about the inflammatory symptoms they have in the urinary tract that cause them to visit me.  Barring any significant matter field issue such as cancer, stones or serious infection the most common issue that remains is inflammatory change from nutrition.

Often there is associated inflammation in the GI tract such as acid indigestion.  So energetically there is burning in the stomach and burning in the bladder and prostate as well. 

And when patients go on an antiinflammatory nutrition their symptoms gradually get better with reduction in symptoms by half in approximately six weeks. 

There is no concept as foods being inflammatory in the current matter science nutrition.  This is because the matter science approach to nutrition is quantitative, that is to say, measurement driven.  A piece of broccoli has so many carbohydrates, fats and protein; vitamins and minerals are measured and then we proclaim, "I know everything there is to know about broccoli!". 

The problem with this approach is that  this quantitative assessment can't tell me how broccoli interacts with MY physiology.  All I know is that I know about the molecular constituents of broccoli.

The energy approach tells me that if I am Pitta Vata that tomatoes and corn cause inflammatory change.  If I'm PItta Kapha the sour and salty tastes will highly inflammatory.  So this is the power of the energy approach and it will supplant what we currently do as nutrition in the years to come.

To healthy and balanced eating          DrBill

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Road Rage and Nutrition


Oh come on now, you've gone tooooo far!To associate what people eat and drink with such behavior as road rage?

Don't buy it? Well, have you ever seen a racial riot in the dead of winter? Think about it. The riots invariably occur when the hot quality of the season is present.

So the question is, "What's the difference between environmental hot and nutrition hot?" From an energy science view none.

Is it possible that people can become so nutritionally provoked with the energetic vibrational frequencies they consume that they literally become explosive with the anger they express?

From an energy view it is the case. From the above picture of our rager we can notice some interesting features. He has red hair. Now it is not a prerequisite to have red hair to be a rager but it definitely helps. Also a bald head and premature graying can be qualifying physical characteristics. Usually moderate body build and strong appetite are usually present.They are usually quick in their thought and critical and judgmental and like to blame others(that's pretty obvious, huh?)

And behind all that rage is a lot of pain.

So what's a self respecting young rager to do? Simple. Follow a Pitta reducing nutritional format as described at foodsheal.com.

With love and compassion for the road rager              DrBill


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Tingling: Waking Up to the Energy Body

Energized man 10.21.09

Have you ever felt a rush of sensation-almost so intense that you felt like you would pass out?

It wasn't because you were breath holding. What was that rush? From an energy field view, it was a surge through the energy channels.

At times there is a feeling of a shower of subtle and soft tingling. Or maybe heaviness moving from one part of the body to another. After massage the skin feels alive and warm, with a subtle tingling or lightness on the skin surface.

So our sensation is the key to cluing into our energy field. And these sensations don't have to be unusual as just described. The reporting from our energy field can be as simple as feeling hot and cold, heavy and light, soft and hard, dry and oily, smooth and rough, liquid and dense, clear and cloudy, subtle and gross, static and mobile, sharp and dull.

The key here is that when we get in touch with our energy field, we feel these primordial vibrational frequencies internally in our own mindbodies, not outside ourselves. And all that is required if we want to participate in this journey(actually it's very short!)we just have to begin paying attention.

And when we pay attention to our energy field, we actually can direct our energy to various areas that need help and nourishment. As one of my mentors says, "Attention goes where energy flows." When we begin paying attention to our energy field, it builds and then we can use it for our own healing.

What does this have to do with nutrition? Well, just pay attention to how foods make you feel. Did that meal make me feel heavy or light? Did that pasta dish make me feel liquid, heavy, smooth, soft, static and dull? Did that four star Thai food make me feel ……(hint take a look up above).

This is also tuning into your energy field but in a different way than how we perceived diet and food in the past.

With every new way of looking at things, this takes time and patience. But I guarantee this. It WILL change your life for the better.                       Feeling all the way    Love DrBill

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Do We Cure Anything?


It's a cure! Or arer we just sweeping the dirt under the rug, so to speak? We may be cleaning very hard but working very hard in a misdirected way may not be the solution. A matter science approach might be in need of some help to create health.

When we look at dis-ease from an energy view, even an appendectomy, it is an expression of an imbalance that occurs due to our lifestyle choices. Is it possible that diet or matter science nutrition is a major fundamental contributing factor to our dis-eases, illness, or sickness? And oh, by the way, we did create the need for an appendectomy and it revolves around lifestyle patterns of behavior, including nutrition.

So we have the appendectomy but is there anything done to change the imbalance that brought about the necessity of having the operation in the first place? Can we cultivate new lifestyle choices around nutritional process that will invite correcting the imbalances that energetically and physiologically exist?

The present way of doing health requires a paradigm shift. Not only to see the dis-ease process differently but to honestly embrace the idea that we are responsible for the dis-eases that we create, no matter how trivial they are. Then we may take on energy nutrition as a way to discourage dis-ease in our mindbodies.             To health as a skill         DrBill

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