Prune-and-plumA perfect snack should be nutritious and digest easily even in those with poor digestive strength(agni) This can be really important for those with poor agni which is almost always the case

Fresh fruit fits this category and is the primo snack food, hands down It beats anything in the middle of the grocery store

The Universal Fruits

Energetically we are not created equally Some are PV others PK while others VK(unusual) so we don't resonate the same to foods and fruits are no exception Perhaps some of you already know that a granny Smith apple due to its sourness can provoke your IC

But there are some fruits that can be used all the time....the universal fruits Notice that they are all sweet because the sour taste will provoke Pitta

Apples-fruit-1201901_1024_768Fruit that can be used all the time: Sweet apples(apple a day keeps...), applesauce, sweet berries, sweet cherries, sweet cherries, soaked prunes, soaked raisins

Particularly during the summer when central agni is low, fruits make an excellent way to protect an already compromised agni Try to use locally grown fruits when you can and support the organic growers

Remember the general rule to not mix other foods with fruit If you eat fruit before or after a meal allow 30minutes as a separating time interval Fruits and yogurt is a particularly nauseating combination

Fruits and Improving Digestive Fire(Agni)

Consider using fresh fruit for the below to charge up your agni berries

Fruit fast (PV every 2w...PK evergy week)

Fruit juice fast

Fruit as meal subsititutes

Fruit as snacks

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