A Sad Story About Supplements


"Jim, the good news is the metastatic evaluation is negative. It looks as if you have localized extension of your bladder cancer. The bad news is that local extension may make this cancer not resectable and increases your chances of recurrence by about twenty five percent. And your chance of surviving this cancer is only fifty percent at best."

With this grim news I was giving Jim the most optimistic look even though not easy to deliver.

"Are there any other treatments that can be used?" he queried.

"The adjunctive or additive therapies at this point would not offer very much," I explained, "but the value at this point is that you could be free of the symptoms of the abnormal urination, blood, and pain you're having if you have the bladder removed and have the best chance with a extended node dissection."

His friend helped support him but one could see the fear in Jim's eyes.

The saddest of facts about Jim's story is that five months before he had the diagnosis of bladder cancer made by another surgeon and at that time had possibly a chance at resecting an aggressive lesion.

But now the lesion had locally extended and almost doubled in size.

He had elected in the interval to takesupplements that he thought would help him with his cancer. Actually a form of denial. A miscalculation.

Now it was really too late.

Jim's story has a plea within it.

The matter science medical model has the capability of curing serious disease. The energy science medical model can help treat non life threatening disease and aid in prevention.

But remember dear readers the difference between the models and how to use them appropriately.

Until tomorrow                        To health as a skill   Love DrBill

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Breathing and Losing Weight


As we have discussed in the past Kapha in order to be in balance needs to move. At times due to the imbalances carried there may be difficulty moving but everyone can breath.

In the energy science breathing exercieses can be medicinal as they have direct physiologic consequences to the energy mindbody.

The Kapha balancing breathing exercises bellows breath(bhastrika or B) and forehead shining(kapala bhati or (KB). It is beyond the scope of the blog to give instructions on these techniques but to review the benefits.If you would like more information on technique ayurveda.com has a DVD on Pranayama for Self Healing which is on the home page. It is an excellent review of the physiologic consequences of this life supporting. Or you can to YouTube and search these breathing exercises.

But doing a breathing exercise and lose weight? Must be one heck of a breathing exercise, huh?

Not really. Particularly KB increase metabolism and digestive fire so much that it has been observed to cause a one pound weight loss per day in those who need to lose weight. For Vata types this kind of loss will not occur but digestive fire will become more balanced and their variable appetite will become more stabilized.

Running without running or exercising in place. Saving the joints and still getting a workout. Amazing! Runners are addicted to the endorphins that are elaborated during exercise. But these same molecules are released during KB, so runner's high without joint damage. Bliss tranquility peace and weight loss. What a combo!!

This is the power of the energy science completely misunderstood in our present culture. Imagine putting patients enrolled in bariatric surgery progams on a KB program. 

So pranayam can be added to our nutritional format that brings about health, prevention of dis-ease and joy in living

See ya tomorrow                              To health as a skill  Love Dr Bill 

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Mental Clarity and Nutrition


My wife was telling me a story about her friend, Cheryl(not real name) who see meets for "weigh in" every so often. My wife who is a PV cannot gain weight and Cheryl, a KP, gains looking at food. So the humor is the fact that the weights never change but they still put money in the "kitty" to reward themselves for staying the same weight.

So Cheryl is driving a friend's car and notices four Oreo cookies. She doesn't want the Oreos but somehow they are calling her name.

"Cheryl, Cheryl, Cheryl," they beckon her to reach over and snarf all four down.

"Oh great, now I've done it!", Cheryl relates in self disgust.

Now here's the interesting observation. After Cheryl is telling my wife about the subversive nature of the Oreo cookie, she relates the energetic consequence of the consumption.

"You know, I feel foggy now. It's like I don't have as much clarity in my thinking."

When we self medicate our excessive thought processing with the sweet taste, it brings about the qualities of heavy, cold, static, oily, smooth gross, and pertinent for our conversation today, cloudy and slow/dull.

This mental fogginess that Cheryl describes is an observation that we have had with other patients who describe similar effects with the use of refined sugar. And it completely makes sense due to the energetic qualities associated with the sweet taste.

So far in this blog we have talked about the way foods use us energetically:

    Self medication with foods to reduce anxiety(sweet sour salty) depression(all tastes)

    Addictive nature of foods due to our need to reduce psychological turmoil

    Physiological consequences of foods such as increased appetite or slow/dull, mental cloudiness.

So the dictum goes, food is medicine and medicine is food.

We will gain greater mental clarity when we stop the sweet taste.

For more information as to what in the diet constitutes the sweet taste go to foodsheal.com

                                                        To health as a skill  Love DrBill

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Buicks and Nutrition


When I was driving to work this morning I noticed a Buick model in front of me and remembered as a child how I was enamored with cars. I would cut pictures of them out and made scrapbooks of various models. I realized that people drove particular cars then because that's what their family did. They were the family that bought Buicks.

I think that's the way choices around nutrition occur, as a matter of fact all of our humanoid habits. We are all taught at a very young age, this is what our family eats. We eat Buicks, tomatoes, chili rellenos, gyros, English pudding, roast beef and potatoes, etc.

These foods not only represent habits but for many of us they represent comfort foods as well. We gravitate toward them because they remind us when we were safe and close to mom.

Of course layered onto this basic foundational "learning" food selection is all the influences that then occur through teenage years and adult years.

The point of this dialogue is to allow us to see how our food and drink selection is caught up in early programming of the mindbody. And that we can chose differently if we decide to do so.

We will never be able to solve the crisis in our society about obesity until we get that we have to make our nutritional problem conscious.

After we elect to make it nutritional conscious choice making, the question is, "Which foods are best to use?"

For that, see foodsheal.com

See you tomorrow                                                 To health as a skill        Love DrBill

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Is It Possible?


Walt Disney was quoted as saying, "It's kind of fun doing something impossible."

Is it possible to prevent dis-ease? "Impossible," it is said. 

Here are a few edited points to consider from a Ornish Huffington Post article on diet.

1 Dont feel constrained by an approach to improve health. Remember baby steps and compassion.

2 Avoid self judgment or self recrimination There should not be anything moralistic about change in lifestyle behavior patterns including those around energy science nutrition.

3 Eating with ecstasy is more sustainable than controlling foods consumed.

4 Joy motivates more than fear of dying so have fun with nutrition.

5 Eat according to energetic balance and we will feel think and live with more clarity and energy. And I firmly believe no one wants to feel badly. But most of the time we don't know we feel bad until we feel better.

So is it possible to prevent dis-ease? Yes, according to the energy science medical model. But what's more important is how to feel more joy, love, compassion and clarity throughout life. Now that's something to aim for and the seemingly impossible becomes possible. See foodsheal.com

Until tomorrow                                  To health as a skill  Love DrBill

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