Prostate Specific Antigen(PSA) and Energy Science Nutrition


A friend and patient came in a year ago with a PSA of 45 and lots of pain.

"I think you have prostatitis,Jim(not his real name)" I said. "But we'll want to see that PSA go down to 4.5 or less."

I went on to explain to him that PSA is an enzyme and that makes it a transformational molecule. PSA is actually waves of tranformational energy. Just like Scotty transforms Captain Kirk into energy waves from his matter field state when he says, "Beam me up Scotty," molecules are waves of energy that we identify as matter.

Molecules are energy and energy are molecules, the states of energy and matter coexisting simultaneously. In this case, the biologic energy pattern of transformation with a molecule, PSA. Coexistence of the apparent unseen with the seen.

When an excess or an imbalance of this transformational energy occurs in the prostate PSA goes up because PSA is a molecular marker for excess or imbalance of the energy of transformation(PItta).

Imbalance or excess of the transformational energy pattern in any part of the mindbody is noted as inflammation.

So an elevated PSA is a molecular sign of inflammation and signifies an energetic imbalance in the prostate of too much transformational energy.

So three months go by and his PSA drops to 19.6, a good trend, but then rises to 32. Not a good sign because inflammation is associated with prostate cancer. Is it just benign inflammation or is it inflammation with prostate cancer?

"You need a biopsy of your prostate, Jim. Are you up for it?"

"I don't think I want to know," he said. "But sure, go ahead."

All of his cores were involved with moderately differentiated carcinoma. With a negative metastatic evaluation being a good sign, he's not out of the woods but there's a chance he doesn't have spread but given the numbers it's likely he has local extension. We'll know with his surgery.

The important part of this story is that PSA is a marker for inflammation, not cancer, and we can only know that because of knowledge of energy science. This is precisely the value of the energy science and the value of the marriage between the matter and energy sciences.

But what, there's more. Suppose you or a friend have a family history of prostate cancer(PCa). Say there are two or three primary relatives who have a history of PCa. That fact raises your possibility of developing prostate cancer in your or your friend's life to one in three to one in two. Bad odds.

So what to do? If you've been involved with this blog for a time you know the answer. An antiinflammatory energy approach to nutrition, right?

OMG, this is amazing! Where, I ask where, in the matter science nutritional format will you a) find the concept, antiinflammatory nutrition or diet, and b) be able to utilize to the concept to prevent potential dis-ease in a lifetime?

I submit, NO WHERE.

See you at tomorrow's blog                To health as a skill     Love DrBill

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