“Oh thanks the antibiotic made me better” Or did it?

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"Mildred, I've got some good news and bad news," said Dr Jones  "The good news is that you don't have a urinary tract infection by your culture  But the bad news is that I don't know why you have these symptoms of frequency and burning"

But then Mildred proceeds tell Dr Jones that the antibiotic that he prescribed before the culture results were back actually made her feel better

Now both are scratching their heads  But in the end Mildred doesn't care because her symptoms are better

And Dr Jones is happy his patient got better and that's all that really matters  "A scientific fluke," Dr Jones muses

Or Is It a Fluke?

Some can relate to this scenario if you've had a UTI and if you haven't then you may have had a mystifying clinical illness that got better with antibiotics

Typically whenever we can't explain something in medicine it becomes the unexplainable but as long as the outcome is acceptable we move on

Is there an explanation to these scenarios that are not explained my the matter science medical discipline?es, there are simple explanations but we have to employ the energy science medical discipline to understand

Taste and Inflammation

There are many inflammatory conditions that are manifested in the physiology that are not associated with bacterial infection  The common cold, most forms of acid indigestion, many joint diseases including rheumatoid arthritis, prostatitis, interstitial cystitis to name a few

The acid taste in Nature is inflammatory due to the hot quality and the opposite of acid is alkaline

The alkaline taste is the bitter taste so if the acid taste is inflammatory then the alkaline taste is antiinflammatory

Antibiotics Carry the Bitter Taste 

Oh my gosh!  If I take an antibiotic and I have a nonbacterial inflammatory process such as Mildred's bladder symptoms then this inflammatory condition can be improved with antibiotics

Even though there is no infection!

So antibiotics can be prescribed for infections that don't exist and work because of the bitter taste that they carry as signals to the mindbody, "Cool down  Here's some bitter for you"

The Energy Science Demystifies

The natural extension of this is that if we take foods that decrease the acid or sour taste in Nature and load on the alkaline taste like aloe vera gel then we don't need the antibiotic

Of course we need the culture information but the use of anbiotics may not be warranted all the time

Until tomorrow                                                              To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

Photo Courtesy of skylar..mu

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