How to Get in Touch with Your Energy Body

    Getting in touch with your energy body means to get in touch with sensations.  Does this sound strange? In the matter field science of healing which is an expression of how we presently collectively view the mindbody, we are involved with measurement or quantitative assessement.  And it becomes an intellectual evaluation.  But in energy field medicine qualitative evaluation is the way assessment is done through sensations. 

    And this is keeping with how we access the energy mindbody.  We know our energy field by sensing its qualities.  Are my hands too hot or too cold?  Does my right leg feel lighter than my heavier left leg after I have done a yoga pose?  Is my skin rough and dry or smooth and oily?  Is my energy mindbody gross or subtle compared to my gross matter field mindbody?  Is the tissue of the mindbody soft or hard?  Are the changes in the lower legs with varicosities due to stasis of blood causing them to be heavy and dense?  Or is the blood mobile and the legs light and liquid?  Is the mucous from the nose clear or cloudy?  Is my mind too mobile and full of thoughts or is it depressed and static?

    When we become aware of the sensations that the energy field is giving to our awareness, we begin to directly apprehend our own energy field.  This is why yoga posture pracitice is so so valuable.  It turns us into sensate beings rather than being mesmerized by our thinking process all the time.

    What on earth does this have to do with nutrition?  Well, everything!  If we don't know what foods balance our physiology through their qualities, then we will consume those foods that energetically promote balance.  Some foods may too light and affect some of us who already have a lot of lightness.  Conversely some foods may be too heavy and affect others who have too much heaviness already.

    How do we know which foods are good for us and which are not?  Take the mindbody questionnaire in Foods Heal and then follow those foods that resonate with your physiology the most using the nutritional formats .  

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