Chasing the American Dream


Over the weekend my wife and son who was visiting from out of town saw Michael Moore's film Capitalism: A Love Story. I was saddened by what has happened to our society and more specifically what has happened to people's lives and their health as a result.

From an energy viewpoint the race to get more has become so commonplace in our American society that it is leading to significant health problems as a resultfrom an energy viewpoint.  Witness our now common societal dis-eases such as autism(deranged Vata imbalance) which is significantly increased in its frequency of occurrence.  Or attention deficit disorders that are now common place in schools, again a result of Vata imbalance showing up in our children.

But what about adults?  The ability to take time even to enjoy the company of one's own spouse is lost because of the types of schedules we put ourselves on in order to accumulate just enough to make our house payments(if we can at all these days!).  Again the problem of aggravated Vata in the society.  Due to this Vata imbalance, schedules are stretched thin with no down time to take care of ourselves.

Since Vata as an energy pattern affects both Pitta and Kapha, aggravated Vata in a society will lead to Pitta and Kapha imbalances as well.  Hence societal problems such as excessive competition(Pitta) and obesity(Kapha) become rampant. 

And its not that making money is bad but such an obsession with making money due to the cost of living in America is leading to not only the deterioration of its economy but its health as well.

From an energy point of view taking an aggressive inventory of our lifestyles is the first energy field prescription for health.

I leave with a quote from a newsletter I subscribe to. 

When the long-term problems are large and real, they anesthetize us, mislead us, divert us — anything to keep us from giving up something or having to pay for it. Too often, our political leaders are just enablers, co-conspirators in a disingenuous and greedy silence. Our children are unrepresented. Kurt Vonnegut once told a story about seeing Joseph Heller at a wealthy hedge- fund manager's party at a beach house in the Hamptons. Casting his eye around the luxurious setting, Vonnegut said, "Joe, doesn't it bother you that this guy makes more in a day than you ever made from Catch-22." Heller said, "No, not really. I have something that he doesn't have: I know the meaning of enough." I have far more than enough. Peter G Peterson, The Education of an American Dreamer, published by Twelve, Newsweek, 8 Jun 09

Thank you Peter!                                            To good health  DrBill

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