Cold Hands

    I was driving into the office the other day and became aware of cold hands.  They had been warm before I had left the house so there had been a change.  "What's going on," I asked myself, but of course I knew that I had made this observation in the past. 

    But this time I began to put it together.  As we have discussed in previous blog posts, the biological energy field expresses itself through qualities of sensation.  There are 10 biological pairs of sensation.  For example, the sensations of hot and cold, light and heavy, subtle and gross are examples of these paired potential sensations. 

    We can only know the energy body through sensations in  the mindbody.  So when I felt the cold hands it occurred to me that the biological energy pattern of Vata, the priniciple of movement in the physiology, must be being aggravated.  It was subtle but real and a tip off to slow down and breath.  When we get into a rush, we invoke the sympathetic nervous system and from a matter field perspective, we vasoconstrict and this reduces blood flow to the hands.

    From an energy perspective, the energy field was sending me a signal to slow down and breath which would activate the parasympathetic nervous system and restore balance in the energy physiology. 

    Foods can produce the same shifts in the energy mindbody.  Have you ever felt hot after eating a very spicy meal?   This is yet another message from the energy field.  All we have to do is pay attention.

    To good health        DrBill

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