Spirituality and the Energy Field

Girl and her apple     To be spiritual is to be in touch with our senses.  Does this sound surprising?  In spiritual terms we tend to denigrate the mindbody with its sensations because deep down we believe that the sensual experience has nothing to do with the transcendency of spirituality.

    But to personally access our soul, our level of spiritual being, we have to use our senses and the easiest way to access the energy field is through our senses and breath.  In so doing, we quiet the mindbody.  When we quiet the mindbody and the breath, we "drop in" to that universal state of being that we are.  This process is a form of meditation called yoga nidra and with practice, this level of awareness can be accessed any time. 

     To drop in means to access our awareness. 

    If we are aware, we stand a chance of being healthier.  All the supplements in the world will not get us health.  We will not access health through molecules or the current matter field  model.

    But if we access the energy field through our sensate mindbody, we begin becoming aware of what feels correct for us at any given moment.

    But when we tap into the sensate experience of life and our personal existence, we are actually becoming more aware.  We are no longer trapped by thoughts, concepts, prior perceptions, beliefs, ideas or previous conditioning because sensations are in the present now.

    When we live in the now, we recognize our sensate mindbody as what is truth in the moment.  If the mindbody reports hot,sharp/penetrating and light after a pungent spicy meal and maybe experiencesStones out of balanceheartburn, we know that an imbalance has been created in mindbody.  This is not to judge the experience as right or wrong, good or bad.  It is simply to witness or be aware of the imbalance that we have created with the experience.

    When we live through the sensate mindbody, we will create better health and have the chance of averting significant imbalance in the future.        


 To good health  Dr Bill



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