The Complete Healer

    Psoriasis Nov 4,09 I was in the operating room yesterday removing small bladder cancers from a patient's bladder with a laser.  The operating room nurses were noting the significant psoriasis that the patient exhibited.  I related that the same inflammatory condition that occurs on the skin occurs in the bladder from an energy perspective.  From a matter field perspective it makes sense after you say it but the only way I could have made the correlation is from an energy perspective. 

    The value of understanding the energy field science healing tradition is to realize that there is another way of seeing the mindbody.  It is to recognize that there is more to the solid matter field that we perceive with our senses.

    What are the repercussions of recognizing the biological energy field?  Well, the first thing that comes to mind is that there is more to healing than mechanically dealing with the matter field with molecular pharmaceuticals or operations.  That we can heal by simply being aware of what we do to the mindbody.

    When we entertain the mindbody as an energy field, we enter a realm where everything that we do in the form of habits directly impact the health of the mindbody physiology.  This at first may seem overwhelming but once engaged in the process of balance, it becomes intuitive.

    And then for the first time we begin to see an opportunity for prevention of dis-ease.  So a the healer of the 21st century will be conversant about both the matter and energy field healing traditions.  This will have to be so if we are to have a balanced healing system.  To good health   DrBill


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