It’s All About Balance, Son

Balancing Act
I am pretty sure that most of us heard the phrase about balance when we were growing up or we intuitively said to ourselves that balance would be important in our lives at one point in time.

What's this balance thing all about?

From an energy viewpoint it means equanimity.  Neither too busy or too unbusy.  Neither too rested or too tired.  Neither too much exercise or too little. Neither too much food or too little. It's just right!

In energy nutrition it's the same thing except we have to change our perspective about foods. Foods that are too heavy for one person might be just right for another person.  For example a Kapha predominant person due to his primodial vibrational frequency would be best to avoid dairy because the heavy quality of dairy would load him up with heavy which he doesn't need particularly during the cold wet winter months that already carry the heavy vibrational frequency.

But a Vata predominant lady could benefit with the heavy of dairy even during the winter months because she needs the heavy vibrational frequency.

So what's a person to do?  How do I tell that broccoli is good or not so good for me? Go to and get armed with the nutritional information there and you're off to the races and phenomenal health.  Here's to balance, amigo.                           Love DrBill

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