Digestion Holiday Blahs*@**

The holidays bring time off, fun with family and friends, catching up with people we haven't seen for a while, and eating often naturally occurs with our activities around socializing.

Have we ever noticed that when we are talking or listening we don't pay attention to how food tastes or sometimes what we are putting into our mouths? Interesting isn't it? And so we may not realize how much we are eating and/or drinking.

The end result is just not feeling very well. And it's all about feeling the mindbody from an energy viewpoint.The energy science tells us this is because our digestive fire becomes overwhelmed.

An energetic nutritional prescription for these blahs can be quite simple. First stop eating and give your GI tract a well deserved day off-it's worked hard! Second use spices liberally particularly churans that are outlined on foodsheal.com. Lastly watch what foods and food combinations are being used because if not followed, we can feel like crap.

Here's to feeling good in 2010!!                    Love DrBill

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