Going Out With STYLE

One thing we can say about life is that no one gets out of it alive.

But how we get out of life, that is, how we die is up to us, isn't it?

From a physician and surgeon's view, I hear from many octagenerians that they don't see their lives being lived out in the "golden years" of retirement. Many live their lives from doctor's appt to another; shifting through on a daily basis a long pharmaceutical list; taking agents on a regular basis to maintain regularity of bowel activity; taking care of their elderly and failing spouse; and living in a retirement facility that is less than homey.

I believe that this kind of existence can be averted but that can only happen if we begin to make health a priority NOW!

Health is not something we hope for, it is a skill that must be developed if we are to have a chance to live our life out in a state of gracefulness. 

Unfortunately there is no help in this regard. Our healers today are fixated in dealing out pharmaceuticals and monitoring their effects. Missing is instructing us in what tools we should be using in order to be honing our skills at being healthy.

Then and only then do we have a glimmer of going out in style.  To good health  DrBill

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