Petty Tyrants

Petty Tyrant
We have all had the experience of foods producing turmoil, haven't we? Physical distress occurs because of too much food or too much pepperoni on that spicy pizza late at night.

And there is a corresponding psychological turmoil that occurs as well although we may not be so entrained with that aspect of mindbody turbulence. But if we are quiet and observant, we will indeed notice that psychologically there is a change.

But let's extend this turbulence to just the psychological. Being confronted by someone who needs to control whatever we are doing(driving, making decisions, what we are eating)can be oppressive, using their position in the relationship to force their opinion on us. But it's because of their fears and has nothing to do with us. And their rigidity steps in as well when talking with them.

This can lead to turbulence just as well as food, this time more psychological but this time pay attention to the fact that it has physical distress signs as well.

Well meaning loving people in our lives can become so called petty tyrants not knowing that they are acting as such. Their need to control at all costs can become oppressive and lead us to emotional turbulence.

The way out of this for all of us confronted with our petty tyrants is equanimity. No reaction. Balance. Give the tyrant space recognizing no energy will be given to them. Then there is peace and calm in the mindbody physiology                              To good health  DrBill

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