

There is a commonly used guideline in the energy science of Ayurveda which says that "You're only as old as your rasa"  This has deep ramifications toward our health so we should pay attention to what it means

The Tissue Called Rasa

In the energy science healing discipline the first tissue layer anatomically is rasa  Rasa receives the freshly digested material from the gut in order to nourish the plasma which is our modern day equivalent of rasa  It contains all the tissue proteins, glucose, fatty acids including cholesterol, and immunoglobulins  This latter constituent shows that rasa is involved in the immune functions of the mindbody  Rasa has the qualities of heavy, slow, cool, oily, slimy/smooth, liquid, dense, sticky, and soft  The primary function of this tissue is nutritive

When rasa is supportive and healthy it is responsible for clear thinking, faith, love, and trust  It is responsible for soft, smooth skin, hair is soft and wavy, uniform complexion, good strength, stamina, great love, compassion, and profound faith

However when there are challenges leading to an unhealthy rasa, negative emotions such as fear, loneliness, anxiety, and insecurity show up  When rasa is affected faith is easily affected and so   These emotions show up as biochemical stressors that create an acceleration to the aging process  For example, anxiety can make Vata cold and dry, anxiety can make it more mobile, and loneliness can produce clear and spacey qualities  Anger can increase the hot and sharp qualities  Attachment enhances the sticky and oily qualities of Kapha; greed can increase the sweet and salty tastes, and possessiveness the heavy quality that leads to depression

The moment the rasa dhatu is affected faith is also affected which leads to doubting and skepticism  Belief is personal but faith is universal  Belief leads to groupism and division  Disease begins in the mind, in your belief system  Faith is love and trust and can move mountains and prevent the aging process

Causes of Rasa Disorders

Heavy foods                          Cold foods and drinks(Ice is not nice

Overeating                            Oily or fried food

Leftover food                         Excess sugar, salt, or sour pickles

Hydrophilic foods eg yogurt, cheese, cucumber, watermelon and seasalt

Incompatible food combining

Too much thinking              Worries, anxiety, lack of faith

Bacteria                            Excess ama(undigested, unprocessed foods)

Cold Hands and Cold Feet

A common symptom that people report is cold hands and feet that is a result of inadequate rasa and also rakta which is the red cell mass of the blood  The volume of the plasma(rasa) of the blood leads to inadequate circulation in the far reaches of the body  Other signs of poor rasa formation are fatigue, generalized pain and body ache, and fever

Typically the reason for poor rasa formation like other tissue layers is poor agni or digestive fire so one can see the importance of agni

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