Gender Sides of the Biological Energy Field

From an energy view the masculine energy and feminine energy are equally represented the biological energy field.

The matter science has studied this and indeed there is evidence that such gender representation occurs but there is no place for information as this. For example in the developing fetus the gender is ambiguous before 8 weeks; the male has feminine hormones like estrogen and the female masculine hormones such as testosterone; and we are aware of females who have masculine characteristics and men who have feminine traits.

But the energy sciences completely integrate this in the mindbody energy field. The left side of the mindbody is feminine or Kapha; the right side of the mindbody is masculine or Pitta

Kapha has the qualities of cold, heavy, slow/dull, static, soft, oily, smooth/slimy, hard, dense, liquid gross, and cloudy. These qualities tend to slow the energy field movement down and therefore the left side of the mindbody is more prone to symptoms and signs of energetic stagnation or ama. Or for example in a post on varicose veins we would expect more varicosity to be apparent on the left side.

Pitta has the qualities of hot, light, mobile, sharp/penetrating, liquid, and oily. Excessive qualities will show up as more of the hot quality but not necessarily what we might expect as a sensory appreciation of such. So inflammation in the organs of the right side of the mindbody such as hepatitis, cholecystitis(inflammed gallbladder), appendicitis, and gastritis would be common examples.

This equality of gender from an energetic view is helpful to explain observations that we do not understand from a matter science perspective.

From a energy science nutrition view foods that emphasize Kapha qualities have their predominating effect on the left side of the mindbody and and those that provoke Pitta the right side of the mindbody.

So diet should be appropriate for a mindbody constitution and not emphasize these qualities if they are in abundance in our physiologies. The key in this process is balance of genders and qualities in the energy physiology. This is not part of the healing jargon in the matter science tradition.

BTW our lifestyle patterns of behavior should play out these selections as well.

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