Keeping Warm in the Winter


Have you ever noticed people walking in shorts and its 30 to 40 degrees out?

What gives? They just must be hot, huh? Some of these people may be on the heavy side, others modestly so, but why are they so hot, so to speak?

From an energy view they are hot either to Pitta, the energy pattern of transformation which has as one of its qualities hot in contrast to Vata and Kapha which are cold energy patterns. Compounding the problem is the insulating subcutaneous fat which keeps the hot in.

From a matter science view it's an intellectual curiosity. "Boy that person must be able to really tolerate the cold weather."

We can only know the answers to biological questions such as these when we invoke the qualitative energy science approach. 

So what produces all this hot? The imbalance caused by nutrition. Cooling off can be a good thing by choosing the right diet of foods and drink to produce healing.

To good health       Love DrBill

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