Caveat: Supplemental Industry


I recently saw a man who five years ago had been diagnosed with prostate cancer by another surgeon.

He saw some people and decided to try to deal with his diagnosis by nutritional supplements and his PSA used as a marker for disease activity went to less than 1.0ng/ml

It seemed like a success but when he arrived at my door he was having significant symptoms of bladder irritability. His PSA was very high. I took him off all his supplements and his symptoms got better and he got improvement in energy science nutrition although he didn't completely do it. His PSA went to 4 then 7.

He eventually came to prostatectomy and had positive margins and nodes and upgrading of his cancer.

The caveat:  If a person has serious disease supplements will not cure the disease. I know there may be some exceptions to this, but these are exceptional examples.

Healing is not easy work and a supplement is just that. It supplements the diet with what someone may be lacking but it does not do real healing. This is an extension of matter science nutrition which says that the molecule heals and that the pill is where health lies. From an energy science view that simply is not the case.

Supplements are molecules, sometimes not so well understood in their mechanism of action.

So be wary if someone promises you the moon with some supplements.

'Til tomorrow                             To health as a skill        DrBill

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