Paying Attention


From early age we are asked to pay attention. After a while prompting doesn't have to occur. But today we not going to talk about external attention but internal attention.

Does it sound surprising that paying attention to how we feel is at the heart of dis-ease prevention? And the energy sciences provide us tools with which to pay attention which can become a lifestyle behavior.

The energy patterns of Vata Pitta and Kapha are aids in personal observation. The common phrase, "Oh, there I go again," is one we hear in different forms but it implies this self reflection that all of us do. We may feel flighty or moving too fast(Vata), angry or judgmental(Pitta), or just no umph(Kapha). These are all part of the human experience and help us see these energy patterns at work.

Another way of paying attention from an energy science view is through the qualities of human experience. Does this food or drink make me feel hot or cold, light or heavy, sharp or dull? This type of observation helps us with whether food choices may be good or not so good for us.

So there is no wrong way or right way of doing things. The key is how whatever we do makes us  FEEL. Was how I reacted or responded make me feel judgmental and critical? Did that meal with those foods that are energetically imbalancing make me feel heavy, too hot, dull, or dense? At times foods such as dairy can produce nasal congestion which carries the qualities of heavy, liquid, dense, gross, cold, and dull.

And as we have discussed earlier, this writing, a book, what a friend tells us, will not convince us. We all have to convince ourselves.

When we use these verbal observing tools of the energy science then we can begin participating more fully with each human experience that we encounter. Whether it's a casual conversation with a friend or a meal where we are in full participation.

See ya tomorrow                              To health as a skill        Love DrBill

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