The Beauty of Kapha


In the last month there has been in some circles I frequent in the Social Media what I might call bashing the Kapha energy pattern and essentially uncompassionate behavior because when we understand our energy patterns the natural tendency is empathy and compassion for the human struggle we are in.

The Kapha energy pattern is predominantly associated with being overweight but to fully appreciate being overweight I thought it would be beneficial to visit the strengths of Kapha. Is the glass half full or half empty?

Kapha is loving and caring, very sweet, not easily riled. The way of getting through problems is to "how can we solve this together?" This is because the energy pattern is composed of the primordial vibrational frequencies of heavy, static, slow, liquid, oily, smooth, soft, and sticky.

Kapha people make great care givers, mothers and fathers, and excel in "care giving" professions such as nursing.

Their warm, affable, and sensitive side give them grace and elegance as they move through life.

Due to their easy going nature they live long lives. They have great stamina and endurance and when in balance can accomplish much.

Oprah is an excellent example of the elegant graceful Kapha. Deepak Chopra is a good example of a Kapha male.

Energy science nutrition wise Kapha should avoid the sweet sour and salty tastes which predominate with the above vibrational frequencies.

The matter science nutritional approach will not be able to adequately deal with this obesity problem due to the model that is inadequate and not understanding the energy patterns they deal with.              

So let's celebrate powerful and graceful Kapha!!!            To health as a skill                      Love DrBill

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