Am I Drinking Too Much?


This common question is "Am I drinking enough fluid?" But the more important question these days is whether we are consuming too much volume. So there is a lot of confusion as would be expected.

The energy science nutritional information can be very helpful here. By taking the test at you can find out your energetic fingerprint and then determine which is the appropriate amount of volume to be consumed.

Since Vata the energy of movement is light it needs the most volume per day usually 70oz. Kapha the energy of stability needs the least, around 40oz per day. Pitta, the energy of transformation or change, needs in between, about 50-60oz per day. Of course heavy exercise changes these volume guidelines but for basic lifestyle needs these are excellent.

Because we have to have all three of these energy patterns to function, we are combinations of these three patterns. So there is Pitta Kapha(PK) or Pitta Vata(PV)  or Vata Kapha(VK) to simplify things.

So PV should consume 60-70oz per day; PK 40-50oz per day; and VK 50oz per day.

A simple way to adjust the amount of volume consumed is to assess the color of your urine. If it's dark yellow you need more ingested volume; if it's clear you have enough on board.

An interesting "shedding effect" occurs when your tank is too filled up. When one slows down the fluid intake to the above parameters, excess urination continues until the volume is correct for your own mindbody constitutional makeup. This is particularly true for PK.

A nice side benefit for PK is that weight loss is very fast due to getting rid of all the excess volume being consumed that PK does not need.

The mindbody has infinite wisdom to take care of itself. We just have to participate.

Until tomorrow                                    To health as a skill  Love DrBill

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