

I was eating dinner with my wife the other night and the topic of eating out versus cooking at home came up. We reminisced about how much food and drink we actually threw out when the kids were living with us because it had gone stale and realized how much we wasted throwing things out that we didn't eat.

Foods that hang around or left in the refrigerator for extended periods of time lack energy or life force. In the energy science it's called prana, a very real tangible sensed feeling in our mindbody. If we want to sense prana just pay attention to the tingling that goes on when we hit our "funny bone" at the elbow.

Matter science nutrition has not much to say about this subject but it's an important fact for nutrition or diet.

Some guidelines

1 Eat freshly prepared as often as possible

2 When at a restaurant order those foods that have a high unlikelihood of having been stuck away in the refrigerator 

3 Prepare locally grown food as often as possible

Also pay attention to how we feel after eating a meal composed of leftovers compared to eating a freshly prepared meal. We may be suprised.

Until next time                                                    To health as a skill        Love DrBill

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