The Energy Science Chef of the 21st Century


There will come a day in the not too distant future where there will gourmet chefs who will delight in their cooking because it improves our health.

And further this chef knows how to be energetically healthy and knowing the importance of energy science nutrition puts his customers health at primo importance.

What a concept!

The chef will insist that ice water not be served to his clientele.

He will use foods that are fresh, organic, and locally home grown. The spices that are used will be fresh from his own spice garden.

The foods will be correct for the person's energy mindbody that is ordering, that is, the orders will steer the person toward those entrees that are balancing for the individual.

And the rich amount of herbs will invoke a strong digestive fire that will leave the visitors with a sense of lightness.

And more than likely the chef will use clarified butter(ghee) because he knows of the medicinal qualities and that such use will enhance the health of his customers.

Presently restaurants seem more willing to cater to the health desires of their customers. The kind of service that I'm describing here takes that service up a notch.

And you know what? We the consumers will know the difference between matter and energy science nutrition and and support such a shop that prides itself in doing the latter.

Until tomorrow                             To health as a skill    Love DrBill

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