Yeasted Foods


Did you know that yeast is a common inhabitant of the normal gastrointestinal(GI) tract?

But as consumers using yeasted products(primarily puffy breads pastry), we can get too much with resultant yeast overgrowth in our diet and food. When you think about it, the majority of people on the planet eat grains by the use of flatbreads.

From an energy science nutritional view excess yeast causes:

    too much gas(rising dough is from gas produced by the yeaties) aggravating Vata

    too much of the hot quality(warmth of the rising bread dough bowl) aggravating Pitta

    too much mass(yeastie cells grow and like the warm environment of the GI tract).

So the energy nutritional science puts puffy bread on the No list.

What to do? Here are some guidelines around lifestyle behaviors and yeast:

    Flatbreads from flour tortilla(PittaVata should not use corn tortilla)

    Scones which are a great bakery good without the yeast   

    Essene bread is nonyeasted sprouted wheat bread

    Toast yeasted breads bought at the store to kill off residual yeast

    Sprouted wheat grain breads still yeasted so toast them

With some slight variations your GI tract will thank you

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