Can’t Urinate!


"Can diet help with this problem?", she asked.

"Of course, but there are many things that help with the problem. So my advice is to use all of them. Nutritional information should be foundational but is part of the puzzle of healing."

I was asked to see this lady's husband for inability to urinate and as is often the case the wife usually looks for natural solutions for problems. So pharmaceuticals may work but often with advanced dis-ease a surgical option is the best choice.

But as I began discussing this problem of retention of urine and inabilty to urinate I found myself discussing the imbalance that produces the problem to begin with.

Urination is a balance between the bladder and its outlet. Women don't have a prostate so the outlet is often uncompromised, but in men the prostate with benign growth due to the stimulation from testosterone can encumber the bladder neck.

When the bladder neck will not open then there is resistance to flow and the bladder wall as a involuntary muscle must "push" harder. This response over time results in changes to the bladder wall from the resistance that it must deal with.

So you see in this little world of voiding there is displayed this concept of balance that is replete in Nature herself. The mindbody consistently works to balance itself when imposed with problems.
This is the nature of Nature and the heart and soul of the energy science medical model and its nutrition.

Psychologically we all intuitively know that balance in life is what we yearn for.

Find it in all different types of ways especially in nutrition. See

Until tomorrow                                                        To Health as a skill  Love DrBill

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