Elimination of Acid Indigestion and Cost Savings

How many of us at one time or another have had or are now having acid indigestion? And some bicarb fixed us up, right?

Sixty million of us experience heartburn once a month. And from an energy perspective once is enough to demonstrate significant Pitta imbalance. 

Often associated with this imbalance is diarrhea, hemorrhoids or both.

So what is described here is a physiologic imbalance of to much of the hot quality created by the nutritional choices. Too much inflammation.

The remedy is an antiinflammatory nutritional format that reduces the hot quality and herbs that deliver the antidote of  the cold quality. That's why mint can be effective as well as aloe vera gel. They introduce the cold quality.

I have seen several patients who suffer from acid indigestion on pharmaceuticals be able to eliminate their reliance on drug by using an antiinflammatory nutritional approach.

As we have thus far covered with tastes the reduction in sour, salty, and pungent tastes reduces the hot quality in the nutrition. And this can result in a significant cost savings for you and your loved ones who are suffering from this easily preventable problem.

So for tomorrow the cleansing taste, bitter.                    To health as a skill  Love DrBill

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