Nutritional Discernment


A young woman came in with her husband to talk. I had seen her a year earlier and once she began following a PK nutritional format, her symptoms resolved.

"Well, how are we doing?", I asked timidly, believing that something was not working for her.

"All my symptoms are back and I'm miserable."

"How are you doing with the nutritional information or diet from last year."

"Well, since I last saw you, everything was going so well that I began doing what I had done in the past. I was hoping that I could go back to what I had been doing."

"I guess we know now," I said relieved.

"Yep, and I promise I'll stick with it from now on."

"There is no right or wrong choice here, there are just choices. So it's important that you convinced yourself. You see, now you have convinced yourself. That's the value of the tool. It helps point us toward knowingness."

This knowingness can only occur through trial and error with attention to how we feel after we have consumed food. Intellectual discernment can be very high level function but it requires that we discern without emotional bias and attachment.

How do we discern without attachment?

When we employ an awareness tool, something that shows us which foods are imbalancing energetically and which foods makes us feel better, then we evolve to greater levels of health.

So has more information as to how to be nutritionally discerning.      

Until tomorrow                                         To health as a skill             Love DrBill

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