Oil Spills and Health

    Oil Clogged Marshes

I am sure you are as saddened as I have been over the serious Gulf oil spill that has continued unabated. Our Mother Earth is bleeding.

How helpless I think we all feel as we see this human caused catastrophe unfolding before our eyes without the ability to do something about it. Much like a surgeon trying to stem a bleeding artery in his patient.

And the ecological consequences are incalculable and the future damage for generations unimaginable.

But, oh well, it's just damage to the planet we live on and that we have been charged as stewards for its welfare. Fortunately it's not going to interfere with our next meal, alter our sleep patterns, or affect our ability to send my next tweet.

The question is this. Is this the way we view the charge that we have over keeping our mindbodies healthy? If we don't see much problem with our Mother Earth bleeding, perhaps we don't see much problem about putting our mindbodies through a slow death either.

And it reminds me of how I see patients who are faced with a health catastrophe, a serious illness confronting them. And how grateful the operation or medicine has in some way bailed them out. To be able to refocus their attention on life and not have to be in so much turmoil over the health crisis that confronted them. Or if no remedy how  the health problem can be denied and wish it would go away.

The issue is the bailout is just that. A short term solution to go on doing the usual and not taking time to focus on health in a real way. 

I believe oil spills are a message for us to wake up. Our health on this planet is spiraling downward just like the health of our planet. But we don't really consider ourselves unhealthy much as we don't consider our planet unhealthy. It's just an oil spill.

When we make a decision to heal our planet, we will be on the road to healing ourselves. And when we heal ourselves, we will resolve to heal our planet. We cannot isolate ourselves from our global responsibility anymore.

Then what can we do?  Commit to an evolving state of health. See foodsheal.com

Until tomorrow                                    To health as a skill  Love DrBill

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