The Dryness of the Astringent Taste


The qualities of the astringent vibrational frequency pattern are dry, slow/dull, rough, dense, hard, and sticky/cloudy. It balances the sharp/penetrating and liquid nature of Pitta and oily, slimy/smooth, and sticky/cloudy nature of Kapha but its dry and rough promotes imbalance for Vata. When taken in its pure form, it creates a dry, choking sensation in the throat. Most raw vegetables are astringent as well as unripe banana, pomegranate, chickpeas (hummus), green beans, yellow split peas, okra, goldenseal, turmeric, and alfalfa sprouts. This taste creates absorption and binding of the stool because of its effect on colonic function where water reabsorption largely occurs. Astringent is anti-inflammatory, decongestant, cleansing like the bitter vibrational frequency pattern, and helps clear the tissues. In excess it can cause intestinal cramping and creates coagulation.

Psychologically in the mindbody, astringent is supportive and grounding due to the Earth’s universal energy. It causes the mindbody to be organized but in excess can produce a mindbody that is scattered, anxious, fearful, and depressed.

So there we have it- the six energetic taste patterns of sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, and astringent. And we have seen how these tastes that make up the foods and drink that we consume cause us imbalance because the same vibrational frequencies that make up food and drink make up us as well.

This is the sentinal knowledge of the energy science of Ayurveda. That vibrational frequencies that make up us also make up the foods and the world that we consume. When we realize this, our whole medical paradigm changes radically.

Until tomorrow                      To health as a skill           Love DrBill

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