Jet Lag and Nutrition


The prevention of jet lag which is a Vata imbalancing activity can benefit from an energy science prescription

Affecting the body clock synchrony by traveling through two or more times zones is a common problem these days  Symptoms such as fatigue, constipation or diarrhea, headache, interrupted sleep patterns can be reduced by doing some simple things but most of all be conscious about making a difference

Here are some tips

            Use fresh ginger tea  (reduces Vata and Pitta) before during the flight

            Stay hydrated during the trip

            Get a lot of rest before beginning of the trip and after arriving(Vata needs rest)

            Do oil massage with Vata/Pitta oil especially day or two before the trip and during the trip(obtain from Ayurvedic Institute 800.863.7721)

            Stay to a good daily routine before and during the trip For example if you arrive at your destination at 4pm but the time zone you left from tells you that it's time for bed, go to bed Try to maintain the synchrony that was established in the time zone that you left from

            Once at the destination use Good Night Sleep Tea with some mint(can take with you on the trip) Can get from above 800 #

            In general getting sick during trips is a result of not honoring who you are namely Vata Pitta By the way easickness is a Vata imbalance!

           Above all RELAX and enjoy the trip without getting freaked out

Even doing some of these things can help with the acute imbalance that is created by travel

Happy travels and sweet dreams

Until tomorrow                                                     To health as a Skill  Love DrBill

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