Our Medical Infatuation With Numbers


                            Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count;

              everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted      Albert Einstein

In the matter science medical model counting is important, called a quantitative way of doing science And it works If we have lower abdominal pain in the right lower quadrant and the white count is reassuringly elevated, exploration for a possible appendicitis is a good idea

Another way of doing science is from a qualitative approach In this way the shift in assessement of the biological problem is from numbers to the evaluation of qualities

And it's a not an either/or deal Both approaches are needed to create a complete healing science

We have become so obsessed with counting things, whether it be molecules, calories, pounds, white counts, cholesterol, PSA, estrogen receptors that we think that is the only way of doing our medical healing science

But as Einstein so keenly observed, there are many examples where measurements takes us only so far That there are many situations where energy science healing takes us beyond counting and "everything that counts cannot be counted"

If we are to evolve our medical healing system then it will not be by improving our counting ability It will come from interacting with a field that cannot be counted That field is the energy field that most of us are currently unfamiliar Qualities are at times even more important than the quantity of something(eg more money is overrated!)

Have you had the experience or shared a friend's experience where the acceptable BMI for you or your friend would have not been appropriate? Can you think of times or situations in your life where you find measurement satisfying? Have you found times where you're satisfied without finding the need for measurement?

Until tomorrow                                                   To Health as a Skill   Love DrBill

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