Varicose veins: 5 Energy Science Treatments

I think we have all seen the distended leg veins called varicose veins and today I'd like to give an energy science view of this condition contrasting it with our familiar matter science medical model

According to the matter science discipline normal veins have valves that keep blood moving forward toward the heart   With varicose veins, the valves do not function properly and a standing column of blood stagnates and does not blood to move as it normally should  This standing column of blood over time begins distending the vein and over time with the influence of gravity causes the superficial tortuous under the skin as seen in our accompanying photo

Stagnation of Blood at the Skin Level

There are some observations we can make from our photo that can be helpful in understanding varicosity from an energy science view   The coloration of the skin is not normal - there is a reddish and bluish cast to the skin   This is an important observation because from an energy science view the skin is where the problem lies, not in the veins as the matter science discipline implies  

Varicosities in the lower extremities begin as reduced flow of blood in the skin resulting in stagnation of venous blood flow sometimes resulting in spider veins that are often injected by vascular clinics   As reduced blood flow in the lower extremity continues it creates an excessive load on the veins carrying blood back to the heart and they begin to distend, become tortuous, and result in swelling and heaviness

Why is this difference in etiology important?  If the disease is a result of sludging of blood in the skin it opens up the therapeutic option of using medicinal oils to the skin to reduce the impaired blood flow and thereby reverse the process

Stagnation is a Kapha problem and since Kapha is predominantly represented on the left hand side of the body varicosities are often worse on the left   Although not appreciated in our picture skin hair is often lost particularly in fair skinned people since this is a disease again of the skin   Lastly due to reduced oxygen tensions in the stagnated blood fungal nails may occur due to the inability to bring healing nutrients to the nail beds and bone of the toes

5 Energy Science Ways of Reversing Lower Extremity Varicosity

1  Use of medicated oils on the lower extremities can be effective in reversing the Kapha inertia of skin flow that is the origin of the problem   Mahanaryan(reduces all energy patterns) and Mahaganesha(Kapha pacifying) are suggested  In advanced cases Pitta also joins Vata and Kapha so Mahanaryan is beneficial  This is not a short term commitment but over years of work using these oils will reverse the problem

2  Compression stockings can be obtained online in various levels of tension provided  This very valuable in compressing the skin and moving blood along back to the heart   There are a number of online companies that provide an inventory of stockings that can fit your needs

3  Elevation early on in therapy while sleeping can bring a reduction in chronic edema of the lower extremities that brings on the symptom of heaviness   Sleeping while elevating the feet with 2 pillows can be an effective long term therapy

4  Yoga asana practice can be valuable since there may very well be a component of inhibited flow in and around the hip joint   Flow of energy can become very turbulent around joints (tarsal-metatarsal, ankle, knee and hip) in varicose situations and yoga can help induce better energy flow around these joints

5  Marma therapy can be done to points around the ankle since the foot is the most congested initially  It's beyond the scope of this blog to discuss these 4 marma points but using Jasmine to Gulpha(behind the medial and lateral malleoli) is very beneficial

So there you have it  Of course it goes without saying that nutrition is important   A Pitta Kapha pacifying nutritional format is important since most people with varicosities have PK energy makeups or at least predisposed to Kapha imbalance

Until next time and Happy Holidays                  To Health as a Skill        Love DrBill

Conservative mgmt

do it for a long time   VV for 20 years   take 3years to reverse   Consistency is the key

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