Is Genetic Expression Fixed? What That Means for Nutrition

Radiant ManMost matter field science has looked at the nervous system as a fixed physiologic and anatomic structure. But that concept is being challenged with a new concept called neuroplasticity. Now researchers are witnessing people who have had strokes and paralysis who are able to recover some function and in one reported case complete recovery.  That the nervous system can heal itself from vascular injury  From an energy science view the nervous system is the most malleable and changeable of the tissues in the body

Now another concept is beginning to emerge to challenge another medical sacred cow  That genetic expression is a fixed, unchanging and unyielding blueprint. In a journal article in September 2005, Dr Dean Ornish reported that patients with prostate cancer changed their genetic expression to tumor by altering their nutrition   Not only did their genetic expression turn off repressor genes but turned on important genes to combat tumor  Furthermore these patients increased their T killer cell response to tumor cells eight fold

So a new biological concept is potentially emerging-genetic plasticity (a new field called epigenetics)   And the remarkable cause of this genetic shifiting event was a change in nutrition!!

This molecular evaluation points to what the energy medical sciences have held for thousands of years That one of the main pillars to health is nutrition and they built elaborate sophisticated systems around nutrition   This means not just what we eat but when we eat, where we eat, how we eat and why we eat. That is the interrogatories of eating 

This concept of genetic plasticity is just one more reason why we need to take a very hard look at how we deal with nutrition   And the energy medical sciences can give guidance to the matter field medical sciences as practiced today

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