“I Eat Healthy” or Do I?

VegetablesOne common refrain I often hear from my patients is that "I eat healthy." And we all want to believe that we are doing the very best for our bodies. But have we ever stopped to assess what this statement means?

If healthy means eating lots of fruits and vegetables, that might be healthy. But some would contend that eating raw vegetables would be even more nutritious. Perhaps eating less meat would be considered healthy. Eating fast food might not be considered healthy. Or avoiding refined sugar would be healthy. Or I only eat organic.

But all of these statements miss a very important point. Whether corn is organic, the vegetable is raw, the meat is buffalo or the fast food is nutritious, the food to be healthy must resonate with our physiology. So corn, even if organic, if it doesn't resonate with my physiology(and for me it doesn't) then I shouldn't be eating it.

Currently there is no nutritional system that has guidelines grounded in a science that globally addresses the nutritional needs of the human physiology. And we will not find it in our present nutritional system followed by the medical matter field healing system.

Best Dr Bill

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