Sunburns and Energy Science Medicine

SunburnHave you ever thought about a sunburn and what's happening? OK, maybe you don't get sunburned because you have so many melanocytes, ie, your skin is protected. But for some of us who are less lucky in the gene pool, such as myself, when I get into the sun for any length of time, I happen to have 5 melanocytes running around my body trying to put out the forest fire that's beginning on my skin. These poor cells are trying to do the job but there's just not enough of them and the result for me is a sunburn within about two hours of being in the bright sun. Well, there's always sunblock.

Healing Inside and Healing Inside: An Energy Science View

OK, that's for external burns. But from an energy perspective because the same quality of hot is outside you as well as inside you, The same inflammatory process that happens on my skin externally can happen to my internal skin as well. So what is acid indigestion? We call it heartburn, don't we? Acid indigestion is an internal burn, a chemical burn that causes internal dis-ease. So why not use aloe vera on the inside (and there are preparations like that at Fred Meyer in the health food section)?

The energy science of Ayurveda says that all of Nature is composed on 10 pairs of opposites Since you are part of Nature the same qualities "out there", are the same qualities "in here". This has significant relevance for foods, doesn't it? If you eat a lot of the hot quality, then you're bound to get an internal sunburn!

IndigestionSo what's the difference between an external burn and an internal burn? From a qualitative energetic point of view, NOTHING. That's right. The same qualities are present internally and externally. Hot, dry, heavy(fluid in the tissues with or without blisters), slimy/smooth(moistness if badly burned), and gross   So internal burns occur all the time in the body.  Acid indigestion, inflammatory joint disease, irritable bowel syndrome, cystitis both bacterial and nonbacterial and any cancer in the body has its origins from the hot quality.

The Treatment of the Hot Quality

So if sunburn and an internal burn are the same then the treatment for the hot quality should be the same, right? In the end this process that I go through is an inflammatory response to the sun. My skin is red, hot and my patience when uncomfortable, reduced. And what do I do? I use aloe vera to soothe and provide the balancing cold quality to the inflamed skin and help it heal!

To Health as a Skill Have a great week Love Dr Bill

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