Creativity and Imbalance: 5 Things To Expect

neurons, transferring pulses and generating information.In the energy science model the mind and body are intimately cannot separate them  What happens in the mind, happens in the body....and what happens in the body, happens in the mind  If you have a thought, the physical body hears it   The thought of "I'm scared" may be subconscious but the body experiences the fear nonetheless   If the body is injured, the mind goes into fear about survival even if it's a minor injury  All one has to do is reflect on your experiences as a child or watch children to realize this intimate connection

Imbalance and the Mind

In the energy science of Ayurveda if the qualities of foods, the environment(hot day), or experiences(anger) create imbalance in the body it creates imbalance in the mind  At times the imbalance may begin in the mind over the body but the effect is nonetheless the same

So how does this imbalance affect our mental function?  The answer lies in the common energy science phrase, "It depends"

It depends on the qualities that are out of whack  For example, the imbalance of the Vata qualities of cold, light, mobile, dry, rough, subtle, clear will look different in the mind than the Kapha imbalance of qualities like heavy, slow/dull, cool, slimy/smooth, gross, sticky, and liquid  Can you picture these differences and how they would impact a mind....a light anxious mind versus a heavy slow/dull depressed inactive mind

It's important to point out here that in the present moment...right here and now...we can think our mental functioning is pretty good  But everything is relative to what we have previously experienced  So if our mental function improves we can look back and see the difference

Emergence of Creativity With Clearance of Imbalance

When therapies are done to the physical body, they have a direct impact by what I've said earlier about what happens in the mind  When one addresses the qualitative imbalances in the mindbody there is improved mind function and one can expect to see relatively speaking(as above) that there is more clarity about how we mentally task

Creativity  When this happens we begin automatically entertaining different ways of doing things  It no longer becomes "my way or the highway"  Rigidity is lessened and there is less control about seeing another's or your own way of doing things

Attention span  You're able to stay on task without wanting to get up and leave because you're bored

Memory retrieval You begin remembering things you couldn't have ever thought you would remember

Balance is something worthy of everyone to strive to achieve  There are so many valuable things that occur that make life more fun and enjoyable

Intuition  As the intuitive sense grows it becomes normal part of the day  Someone asks you to water their lawn while they're gone on vacation and you don't because you sense that it will rain  And you're right! rains while they're gone

Learning ability  As imbalances clear there is better clarity of the mind and with that comes the ability to pick up tasks more quickly 

There are so many benefits of clearing imbalances that make life more fun and enjoyable  You think you're having fun now....just wait and see            Best DB

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