Inflammation and the Disease Process

bigstock-On-Eat-Sweet-Drinks-And-Fast-F-43210471Recently I saw a man with bloody urine that eventually resolved. His testing showed reddened lesions in the bladder and the biopsy showed cancer in the specimen.

So I suggested we get more information and under anesthesia the lesions were gone. What happened? Does cancer disappear. Actually the areas were inflammatory and the bleeding had come from a nonbacterial inflammatory conditon of the bladder which produced the observed bleeding.

All cancers in the mindbody are associated with inflammation or the imbalance of the Pitta energy pattern.

And inflammation can produce all forms of conditions that we hear about. Acid indigestion or heartburn, rheumatoid arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, interstitial cystitis, and elevated PSA. As a matter of fact, any -itis in the mindbody is an imbalance of this energy pattern called Pitta.

So why is this important? Anytime that we find ourselves with a condition of inflammation, we should look at adding an energy nutritional approach to improve the existing condition.

This is an energy science view, not a matter science view to nutrition. The latter has no concept of an antiinflammatory diet. It can't because the model from which the nutritional format comes doesn't have the ability to describe foods as inflammatory. If it tries the nutritional format misses foods that are energetically inflammatory.

Today a concerned mother told the story of her son with an early diagnosis of lymphoma. With the rest of his therarpies he should be on a nutritional approach appropriate for his mindbody energy constitution that would address the nutritional imbalances that brought about the tumor.

Now is this going to cure his cancer. No that would be ridiculous to say. But it will augment the other therapies that he is undergoing and if he makes this a lifestyle behavior change, it can potentially help with his overall health.

This is the value of the energy science approach to nutrition.

To health as a skill    DrBill

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