Denial Isn’t A River in Egypt

Tip of iceberg"How long have you had heartburn," I asked.

"Not very long," my patient responded.

"Well, how long, can you give me an estimate?"

"Oh, say 10years." he replied.

"How often do you have symptoms of heartburn?" I queried

"Maybe every day." he answers

This particular dialogue is not uncommon. We can call it trivializing, denial, minimizing, or all the above But the bottom line is that the symptom that is being discussed is not important  Heartburn, headache, anxiety, fear, abdominal pain, blood in the urine, constipation, chronic cough, chronic sinus congestion, overweight; potential problems that we can decide to put on the back burner or better yet hope that it or they won't come back

The issue is this  The energy field mindbody never lies and never holds back when it's in pain  It will always speak the truth  So to have heartburn and not recognize it for what it is misses the opportunity to be healthier  And minor symptoms may be the tip of the iceberg

So infrequent means significant  Every symptom is significant because it's the body's way of telling us that the energy body is not happy  Let's try not to ignore the opportunity for better health and pay attention and have resolve that we'll do something about whatever the mindbody is showing us

Health is a skill that we work at all the time             Love DrBill

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